He asks you out again (His POV)

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(Y/N) was sitting at the Ravenclaw table with (BFF/N) laughing and talking. My heart swelled when I saw her laughing. I was so nervous to ask her out again. I take a deep breath and begin to head to the Ravenclaw table. By the time I got to the table, (Y/N) was getting ready to leave.

"(Y/N) can I talk to you for a second?" I ask causing her to look at me annoyed.

"No. I have to go. Bye (BFF/N). Harry." She says as she gets up.

I frown and run after her. I caught her arm in the hall making her look at me.

"(Y/N) I get it I screwed up. But I want to have another chance. I want to make it up to you."

(Y/N) rolled her eyes at me. She looks behind me causing me to look at what she was looking at. I saw Ginny glaring at us. I turn back to (Y/N) and sigh.

"Harry if you really wanted to make it up to me then you wouldn't have cheated. Heck Draco has been nice to me because of what you did. Besides Ginny doesn't want me talking to you. I got to go" She says before starting to walk off.

I was upset and needed to prove to her that I love her and not Ginny. That's when it hit me. I quickly ran and grabbed her hand. I spun her around causing her to look at me confused. Before she could say anything I smashed my lips onto hers. At first she didn't kiss back but soon after she melted into it. I pull away and smile.

"(Y/N) will go out with me again?"

"Yes Harry I will go with you again."

"I love you (Y/N)."

"I love you too Harry."

My smile grew as I lean back down and kiss her again. Today was the best day ever.

I walked into Potions class and sat beside (Y/N). She rolled her eyes when she looked at me. I sigh and frown.

"(Y/N) we need to talk." I said.

"About what Draco?" She said in annoyed voice.

Before I could say anything Professor Snape began the class. We were doing the Pepperup Potion today. After Professor Snape finished, we begin to work on the Potion together when out of nowhere (Y/N) collapse. Everyone looked at her and Professor Snape sighed. The Professor came and picked up (Y/N) and told all of us to continue with the Potions while he brought her to the infirmary. I frown thinking about (Y/N). I guess I should check on her cause I am worried of her.


I head to the infirmary and see (Y/N) drinking some water. I walk over to Madam Pomfrey and (Y/N) causing me to frown at (Y/N). Madam Pomfrey left leaving us alone so we could talk.

"Are you okay (Y/N)?" I ask with concern.

"I'm fine. I just haven't been eating lately." She says just shrugging it off.

I looked at her and noticed she was a bit slimmer than usual. I sigh again.

"Look (Y/N) I wanted to see if you would want to go out with me again?"

"Draco why? Is the only reason you are asking me is because I'm starving myself? I am not eating because of you. The only reason I'm not eating is because Pansy and some of her friends are making fun of my weight. I know it's stupid but still."

I look at her and glare. I can't believe she would think that.

"(Y/N) I'm asking you out because I still am in love with you. I miss you. After I saw you with Potter laughing and smiling, I realized that I made a mistake. Also you should be eating and not listen to Pansy or anyone else."

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