Talking about babies Pt 1

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A/N: Hey guys. I decided not to add the chapters "He Dies" and "Your Reaction of his Death". It just made me think that it's way to depressing to write about death right now. So yeah. Anyways hope y'all enjoy this chapter.



You were sitting in bed reading (Favourite Book) when Harry came into the room. Harry crawls into bed and pulls you close as he begins to kiss your neck. Blushing slightly you look to your husband, you smile and kiss his cheek.

"What's gotten into you Cutie?" You ask Harry with his nickname.

Harry laughed and took your book away. You look at him with an arch eyebrow causing Harry to sigh.

"I was thinking about us having a child. What would you think about us having a child together?" Harry asked.

This caught you off guard. You didn't think Harry would be thinking of having children yet because he is always busy with being an auror and bringing people to Azkaban. You look into Harry's eyes to see if he was being serious. You couldn't believe he was being serious right now.

"Harry a little one running around this place would be marvelous but what about us both working. We both can't work with a little one running around. One of us would have to leave work for a bit. I mean I don't mind leaving work just to raise our child. Are you sure you want to have a child?" Once you asked that, Harry smiled and kissed you before pulling away.

"I was thinking if we had a son we could name him after my father and my godfather." Harry replied.

"How about if we have a girl we name her Minerva Elizabeth. Like after Professor McGonagall and my grandmother." You say with hopeful eyes.

"Deal." Harry replied back before smashing his lips to yours.

That night you guys decided to have some fun. Wink Wink.


You were in the shower thinking about you and Draco possibly having a little one of your own. You couldn't help but think of little you or a little Draco running around. You thought it would be so cute. Once you finish your shower, you get out and get dressed just as Draco got home. After you were dressed, you felt Draco place his arms around your waist causing you to smile.

"Hello. Welcome home." You said turning around in his arms.

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