Voldemort takes you to the Chamber of Secrets with Ginny

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A/N: Hey guys. I know I haven't updated for a little while. I am truly sorry. It's just stressing over the holidays and stressing cause I'm not updating fast enough on here. I'm also stressing over the fact I'm not getting enough sleep because of everything. I am really sorry. I hoped you enjoy this chapter cause I really tried. Anyways hope you all have a wonderful day.



You were minding your own business when out of no where everything went black.


The next thing you woke up in the Chamber to see Ginny not moving. Not knowing where you were you rush over to Ginny and check for a pulse on her. She was alive but barely. Beginning to worry, you look around for a way to keep her alive. Continuing to look around, you heard footprints running towards you in one direction while there was another set of footsteps walking towards you. Before you could do anything, someone grabbed you causing you to struggle to get out of the guy's grasp. You saw Harry and was in shock when you watched him defeat the Basilisk. As you continue to struggle out of Voldemort's grip, you started to slip into unconscious.


The next thing you knew, you woke up in the infirmary. You learned that Harry defeated Voldemort's younger self and that Ginny was a okay. Since you saw her awake staring at you with a guilty look. She would not stop apologizing for what happened and explained. You forgave her but you wanted to thank Harry for saving you guys. You thought it was very sweet of him.
You don't remember much on what happened. You were just walking when everything went black. By the time you woke up was just a few minutes after Ginny did. To your confusion you had learned that Voldemort has taken you into the chamber of secrets along with Ginny except you don't remember anything. Harry explained everything to you causing you to sigh. You wished you didn't end up here but you did. Once Fawkes brought you, Ginny, Harry, Ron and Professor Lockhart to the surface, you, Ron, Harry and Ginny wound up in Professor McGonagall's office. To everyone's relief neither you or Ginny got blamed for the chamber being opened. With that said you went back to your house after seeing Madam Pomfrey. You just hope you never end up in the chamber of secrets again.
You awoke to Ginny and Harry shaking you. Apparently Voldemort had taken you and Ginny into the chamber of secrets. This confused you for a second before you remembered that you ran into Ginny before waking up here. You noticed Fawkes afterwards and sighed as you saw him healing Harry. Smiling softly, you, Ginny, Ron, Harry and Professor Lockhart were taken out of the chamber and back up to Hogwarts just happy to be alive.
You were minding your business when out of no where you ended up bumping into Ginny. But when you bumped into Ginny everything started to fade into black causing you to slip in to unconsciousness. 


When you finally awoke you noticed a lot of things going on. First off you realized that you were no longer in Hogwarts but instead in a chamber. Looking around you see a boy about a couple years older than you. Who was he? That's when it hit you, he was the original heir to the chamber of secrets. Before you could say anything the Basilisk showed up causing your heart to drop. You were scared and had no idea what happened. Soon Harry Potter appeared grabbing the sword of Godric Gryffindor from the sorting making you very confused. You watch him defeat it and then Voldemort. It was amazing.

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