First Kiss

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You and Harry were studying together in the library for your guys Potions final. You sigh as you stare at the book. Harry looked at you and frowned a bit. You noticed Harry staring at you and you look at him confused.

"Do I have something on my face?" You whispered.

Harry shook his head smiling at you. You were still confused until you felt Harry's lips upon yours. Your eyes went wide but then soon closed. You kissed Harry back. After a few minutes Harry pulls away and causing you to blush once you open your eyes. You couldn't believe it at all. Your first kiss ever was with Harry and you were happy. You two then go back to studying and once in a while Harry would kiss your cheek making you blush a lot.

Draco was walking down the corridor only to see Pansy bullying you again. He sighs and walks over to you two.

"Pansy what are you doing?" He says causing Pansy to jump.

She turns around and smiles when she sees him. She runs over to Draco and hugs him. You look at them and frown. Draco saw this and pushed Pansy off of him. He walks over to you. As soon as he was by you, he pulled you into a hug while you cried in his chest. Pansy was furious at seeing this. She was about to attack you in Draco's arms except that Draco gave her a death glare. Soon Crabbe and Goyle come into view looking at you and Draco confused. You pull away from Draco and he wipes away your tears. Draco then leaned forward and planted his lips upon you. Your eyes widen but soon slid shut as hands touched his chest. You kissed back before pulling away for some air. You look over Draco's shoulder and see his goons and a Pansy Parkinson crying. You then hide your face into Draco's chest causing him to smirk. He saw Crabbe, Goyle and a crying Pansy. Soon Crabbe and Goyle left with Pansy leaving you two alone.

You sat down under a tree reading when Hermione came to sit down beside you. You look at Hermione and she hands you an apple. You look at her confused but take the apple.

"Thanks Hermione. May I ask why you gave me an apple?" You ask politely.

Hermione smiles and shakes her head.

"Harry, Ron and I were worried because I'm the great hall you refused to eat." Hermione replied.

You laughed a bit.

"I skipped breakfast because I have my Potions final today and I was studying instead of eating on purpose. But thank you for the apple." You say before taking a bite from your apple.

Hermione nodded and got up to leave. You say bye to Hermione and continue to study while eating your delicious apple. Soon you felt an arm snake it's way onto your waist. You turn to see Ron and you just smile.

"Heard you were worried about me Ronald Weasley." You say with a giggle.

Ron blushed slightly causing you to smile more. You lean over and kiss Ron on the lips. Ron kissed you back causing you to blush during the kiss. After a few minutes you two pull away blushing. Ron kisses your cheek before getting up to go and hang out with Harry. You laughed and went back to studying after your boyfriend left.

You were avoiding your boyfriend, Fred, and his twin brother, George, because they have been prancing everybody in the school and it was annoying you. You sat behind a Statue and read your book silently.

"Thought I would find you here." Fred said causing you to jump a bit.

You stand up and look at him. You sigh and shake your head as you stare at him.

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