He breaks up/cheats on/with you

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You were walking to the library when you saw Harry with Ginny. You shrugged thinking that they are just hanging out as friends. You were about to continue to walk to the library when you saw Harry kiss Ginny. Tears welled up in your eyes as you see the two of them kissing. Your heart had shattered into a million pieces. Harry was cheating on you. A tear falls down your cheek as you continue to look at them.

"Hey (Y/N)." Hermione said causing you to look at her.

Harry and Ginny must have heard Hermione say your name because they turned and saw you. You look between Harry, Ginny and Hermione. That's when you decided to just run off. Harry looked at Ginny and sighed. He ran after you. By the time he caught up to you, you were by Malfoy. Malfoy was hugging you as you cried into his chest. Harry roll'd his eyes and frowned. You pull away from Malfoy and you notice him staring at something. You turn to look at who he was staring at and you frown. You walk over to Harry and slap him across the face causing Malfoy to smirk at this.

"I hate you! WHY!?" You ask as tears trickle down your cheeks again.

Harry frowns at you and then sighs.

"I think it would be better for us not to be together. I'm in love with Ginny. So We're over." He says causing you to cry more.

Malfoy runs over to you and hugs you. You just couldn't believe Harry would shatter your heart in a million of pieces. Now you have to move one.

You were with Draco and you noticed something was off about him.

"Draco? Are you okay? You seem out of it." You say causing him to sigh.

He turns to you with a frown.

"(Y/N) it's over. I don't want to be with you anymore." He said causing you to look at him with tears threatening to seep out of your eyes.

Draco then walks away from you causing you to finally break down into tears. You just couldn't believe that it was over. You were so sad and heart broken.

You walked around the corner talking to Harry when you two saw Hermione and Ron snogging. You could feel your heart shatter and tears well up into your eyes. Harry glares at both his friends for breaking your heart. You soon see Harry walk over to them as they pull away from each other. Harry then punches Ron in the face causing Hermione to stand in between the two.

"Ron how could you do this to (Y/N)! You're a pathetic person and a idiot." You hear Harry say.

Ron and Hermione look past Harry and see you. Their eyes widen. You walk over to Harry and them with a frown still etched on your face.

"(Y/N) I am so sorry." Hermione says looking at you still.

"Ronald Weasley we're over." You say and walk off not even looking at Hermione's apologetic face.

You were upset and never wanted to see or talk to them again.

You and George were pulling a prank on your boyfriend, Fred. You were about to pull the trigger until Fred came over to you two with a frown. George and you look at each other and then back to Fred. George then leaves causing you to stare at Fred alone.

"Are you cheating on me with my Twin brother?" He asks causing you to look at him in pure anger.

"Cheat on you? Cheat on you? Are kidding me!? I don't like George! I like you but if you are accusing me of cheating then fine you can think that. All I was doing was working on a prank with George nothing else." You say in anger.

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