Surprise Pt 1

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You were at the doctors getting some tests done because you were feeling ill and thought it could be something bad. But when the doctor walked in and told you that you were expecting; That's when you got overly happy. Quickly you left the doctors and went straight home with out stopping.


You knew Harry wouldn't be home yet so that's when you decided to make him a special Dinner. As you continue to cook, you began to feel nauseous once more. Rushing to the bathroom, you began to throw up. Harry had just gotten home when he heard you getting sick again. He rushed towards the bathroom and quickly held your hair back. By the time you finished throwing up everything, you look at your husband and sigh.

"Harry I'm sorry you have to see me like this. This wasn't the way I wanted to tell you but I'm pregnant." You said.

Harry looked at you in shock before smiling. He pulls you into a hug and you just laugh.

"I'm going to be a father. I love you so much Pumpkin and I love our own born child." He replied.

"I love you too Cutie. I'm glad we're going to be parents." You reply.

Later Harry decided to finish making dinner leaving you to rest on the couch. You couldn't wait to find out if your child would be a boy or a girl. You we're definitely lucky to have Harry as your partner in crime.
You had taken about seven pregnancy tests hoping for a good result. Currently they were taking forever so you decided to take a shower. Draco had just gotten home from work when he noticed that the shower was running. He walked upstairs and into the bathroom to find seven tests that all read positive. Draco smirked and left the room before you even know he was in there.


Once you finished your shower, you noticed all the tests read positive. You were so excited to become a mother. Quickly you get dressed and look for your husband. Once you found him sitting in the living room, you walk over to him and sit on his lap. You had the biggest smile planted upon your face.

"Draco I some very important news to tell you. But I want you to guess it first." You said still smiling.

"You're Pregnant." He replied with a laugh.

Your smile faltered for a second before smiling again. Draco laughed at this. He thought you were adorable.

"Yes we are going to have a child. How did you know?" You ask.

"I saw the tests in the bathroom while you were showering. I can't wait to have our very own child." He replies.

You smile and pull him into a kiss before snuggling into him. You couldn't wait to become a mother and Draco couldn't wait to be a far.
You had help from Mrs.Weasley when you found out you were expecting. She was thrilled to have another grandchild. You were currently creating some dinner along with his mom when Ron and Mr.Weasley got to the house. Ron sees you and smiles but before he could give you a kiss Mrs.Weasley told him to go back into the living area. Ron did as told and was frustrated.

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