When you go on to live your own life (His POV)

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A/N: Hope you enjoy the chapter. I tried my best on writing this. Hope it is alright and So sorry that each character's scenarios are short. Anyways hope you all have a great day.



As time went on (Y/N) began to live her own life. Sometimes I would walk past her new place and see someone at her door knocking on it while holding flowers and chocolates. It broke my heart to see her happy with someone else. Now I wish I didn't cheat on her with Ginny. I miss her every day and now every day I have to see her with that new guy that works with her at the Ministry of magic. She didn't even acknowledge me whenever I was around. It was like I wasn't there anymore. I guess I should be happy that she is happy even though I miss her. 



Once (Y/N) left me, she started to live her own life. From what I heard she moved to America to work at MACUSA instead of our Ministry of magic. I miss her but knew I screwed up and that she is better off without me.



Mum and Dad won't stop telling me on how (Y/N) was doing without me in her life. She ended up meeting someone named Wendell, who was from an American Wizarding family. Apparently he moved here because he wanted to transferred here instead of staying put. Now every day I see (Y/N) all smitten with someone else. I am upset that she has moved on and began to live her own life. I miss her and I know I screwed up badly. (Y/N) will say hello to me whenever she comes over to my parents place along with her family and new boy toy. At least she is happy now and that's all that matters.



Where should I start. Well (Y/N) has moved on and began to live her own life. She lives with her new boyfriend, Zeke, and is much happier without me hurting her. Sometimes I do see her but now a days its always her and Zeke that I see. She moved on and that's probably for the best even though I miss her.



Don't know (Y/N)'s doing now since she has left England. She is now living her life and it sucks not to be apart of it anymore. But in her defense I did break her heart around a dozen times. Hopefully she is happy where ever she is.



After mine and (Y/N)'s break up, she ended up with Oliver Wood after everything that happened. She is now living her life every day with someone else because I was selfish and decided to cheat on her. I'm just glad she is happy without me in her life now. She moved on and I know I need to too.

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