New Character: Viktor Krum

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How you met:

You were talking to your best friend, (BFF/N) about what you are going to do for the last year of Hogwarts. You were excited that you get to leave Hogwarts after everything. You made so many great friends there. You were sitting in the Great Hall when Professor Dumbledore said somethings causing everyone to look at each other. Then Professor Dumbledore said some other things then soon after the Beauxbatons girls came in. You and (BFF/N) roll your guys eyes because all the guys were fawning all over them. Then after Dumbledore introduced the Durmstrang school. You and (BFF/N) fawn over the boys especially when you guys saw Viktor Krum. After a while the Durmstrang guys sit down. Soon dinner was served after Professor Dumbledore finished what he was saying. You and (BFF/N) talked as you guys ate. A few minutes have past you felt someone tap your shoulder. You turn only to see Viktor Krum. You were gobsmacked.

"Hi. Can I help you?" You ask trying so hard not to blush.

"I'm Viktor Krum. Who are you?" He asks.

"(Y/N) (L/N). It's nice to meet you. Um...if you are looking for something to eat then take anything off the table....So you and your friends can have some more food." You say feeling like an idiot.

Viktor nodded and grabbed some pudding. He then walked away leaving you in a total mess.


Second Encounter:
You were sitting beside Hermione while everyone that is Seventeen years or older put their name in the goblet of fire. You didn't want eternal glory. You just wanted to pass your last year of Hogwarts. You were looking at your friend as she/he puts their name in the goblet. You thought it was strange. Soon after the Weasley twins took their aging potion and put their name into the goblet. You laughed when something happened after they did that. They soon aged into old men causing everyone to laugh at them or cheer them on as they fight. Soon after the doors opened and you see Viktor walk through the doors. He looked at you and gave you a smile causing your heart to skip a beat a bit. He then put his name in the goblet before walking off and leaving. But before he left, he looked at you and smirked. You blushed and you look at Hermione. Which Hermione was looking at you wit a smile. You hope to see him again.


Your Favourite Disney Movie: Flubber


Your favourite Food: Frozen Yogurt


He Realizes he likes you:
I can't stop thinking of this beautiful Hogwarts girl. (Y/N) is beautiful and smart. She is cunning and sly. I like her. She seems to love studying and hanging out with her friends. I hope she likes like I like her.


Your favourite Season: Summer


Your favourite Nintendo Switch Game:

Your favourite Nintendo Switch Game:

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When you realize you like him:

You couldn't stop thinking of Viktor. He is so handsome. Even when he rarely speaks to you, you think that he is the most romantic person in the world. You also love how sweet he is and when he gives you a smile or a smirk your knees go weak. You hope he likes you just as much as you like him.


When he asks you out:

You were sitting in the great hall reading when you felt like someone was staring at you. You put your book down and see Viktor sitting in front of you. You put your bookmark in your book and smile at Viktor.

"Hi Viktor. What's up?" You ask trying to stay cool.

He shrugs and gives you a slight smile. Your smile grew wider a bit and look down at the table.

"So Congrats on being the Durmstrang Champion for the Tri-wizard tournament. I think you'll do great." You say blushing a bit.

"Thank you." He said.

You looked around the great hall before looking back at him. You were feeling awkward and nervous.

"So What do you want to talk about?" You say as you see Hermione behind Viktor at the Gryffindor table mouthing 'Ask him out'.

You look down at the table and began to fiddle with your thumbs.

"Will you go out with me?" You hear Viktor ask causing you to now look up at him.

You were shocked that he asked you out. You thought he might someone else out.

"Yes! A thousand times yes! I would love to go out with you." You say causing him to smile a bit more.

He then leaned over the table and kissed your cheek before leaving you with your face now red as the Weasley brothers ginger hair.

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