How they React to your Death (His POV)

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(Y/N) was gone. Just gone in a flash. I couldn't say a proper goodbye. My tears are dried up from all the crying. I lost the most important person in my life to an illness that took her life. I miss her so much. (Y/N) didn't deserve to die young. I ignore my friends and (Y/N)'s family as I continue to grief over the love of my life. Where she is, I hope she is safe. 




(Y/N) was just standing there in the middle of road as I see the truck speeding. She looked at like me with fear in her eyes before she smiled and the truck had hit her.

***End of Nightmare***

Waking up, sweat dripped down my face as I look to the bedside that my loving wife use to sleep on. I miss her and I wish she was still here. Tears begin to well up in my eyes once more as I begin to cry over her loss. She didn't deserve to die. If anyone deserved to die it should have been me. (Y/N) died to young. I miss her so much.



Days go by as I continue to think of my bestfriend that was also my girlfriend. She's gone now and I don't know how I am going to live with out her. In the past I made mistakes but the worst one was hurting. Now she is dead. I miss her so much. Bellatrix should have killed me not her. Harry and Hermione tried to help me but I just pushed them because all is (Y/N) in my arms once again.



Sitting in my parents living room as I visited during this pandemic. For the reason why, I was depressed. My loving wife was gone. She was no longer here because of this global pandemic. It's not fair. Tears fall down my face just as my twin walks in. George runs over to me and hugs me saying it will be alright. But I am not sure if everything will be the same without her. She made me smile. (Y/N) was my everything. I fricken miss her so darn much.



Pain is nothing but for the sorrow I feel. My loving wife was taken from me way to fast and I don't know how to handle it. Her family told me that there was nothing more I could do to save her. Now she is gone and I can't handle it. No matter where I am, I just can't stop thinking of her. Where is she? Is she safe? Does she need me right now. I miss (Y/N) so much. I love her. All I can do is cry and suffer through this pain until I die.



Where do I begin? She's gone and she's never coming back. I lost my best friend and my loving wife. Why would she kill herself? I should have seen the signs. I should have saved her like she saved me. I miss her so much. I was an idiot for not getting (Y/N) help that she needed. Her family and my family tell me that it wasn't my fault but I feel like it was. And I can't change the past. I hope you're safe (Y/N) where ever you are.



Every time I look at the photo of (Y/N) all I can feel is remorse. All I want is to find that person and kill them for killing (Y/N) on me. I miss her and I hate that she's gone. Another person that I cared for deeply is gone. I can't handle this right now. I miss her so much that hurts even more than Lily's death. (Y/N) meant everything to me and now she's gone. 



Ever since I got the letter to tell me (Y/N) was gone, I broke down. I haven't been able to do anything because all I can do is cry and sit on my couch staring at a picture of her. I miss her so much. She didn't deserve to die at all. Why couldn't I have been the one to die instead of (Y/N). I hope your safe (Y/N).



I sat on (Y/N)'s side of the bed staring at a picture of her. I miss her smile that brighten up everyone's day when she walked into a room. Why did she have to be so close to the dragons? It should have been me by them. Not her! I miss her so damn much. I just miss her.



I should have taken (Y/N) in sooner for her illness. If I wasn't busy with Quidditch all the time then she wouldn't have died. Her family say it's not my fault but it is. I should have taken care of her. I miss her so much. It's not the same without her here. I still can't believe she's gone. I miss you (Y/N).



Time stands still as (Y/N) was no longer here. I will never see her smile again. I will never here her nagging me to work harder. Why would she go by herself on a hike? I miss her and wish she was still here. I hate myself for not going with her. Where ever you are (Y/N), I miss you.



Who would hurt (Y/N)? Why anyone do this? Ever since (Y/N)'s passing, I tried to figure out who did this to the love of my life. I miss (Y/N) and wish she was still alive. Whoever did this to her is going to pay big time because I can't live without my (Y/N).



I should have gone with her. I should have reminded her to wear her seatbelt. This is all my fault. She shouldn't have left the house to go anywhere instead I should have. I miss her and this is my fault. The Police and her family keep telling me it's not my fault except it feels like it is. I miss you (Y/N).


A/N: Sorry for each character being short for the paragraphs. I just had some trouble trying to make it more with empathy instead being so blunt. So yeah. Anyways I hope you enjoyed the chapter and have a wonderful day. Bye.

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