When you wake up from your coma

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You opened your eyes and look around the room before sitting up silently. A nurse notices you through the window and rushes in to see if you were okay. You were completely confused at what happened. The nurse looked at me sadly and ran to get the doctor. Harry walked into your room as he watched the nurse run out confused. He turned to your bed and was shocked. He couldn't believe you were awake. He rushed over to you and tackled you into a hug.

"Harry why am I here?" You ask still confused.

"You were in an accident and had been unconscious for a while until now." Harry said with a frown.

You didn't understand but just nodded in agreement. Soon a doctor walked into the room. She began to ask you questions on what do you remember to what day it is today. You look at Harry as the doctor continued. You didn't remember a thing but was just glad to be awake to see Harry.
Draco was asleep in the chair by your bed when you woke up. You looked around your surroundings and couldn't believe you were in the hospital at all. You look over to see your loving boyfriend asleep. You smile slightly.

"Draco" you say in a raspy voice.

Draco stirred a bit before waking up. He looked at you and his heart skipped a beat. He quickly got up and hugged you. You hugged him back but very confused to why you were in the hospital in the first place. Draco pulled away and kissed your forehead.

"How..." Before you could finish what you were going to ask, Draco had put his hand to his lips in a shh way.

"Don't talk. You were in a coma for a while. That's why you are here." He said to you.

You nodded and sighed. Draco sat down as a doctor walks in to check up on you. The doctor noticed you were awake and smiled.

"Hello Miss (L/N) how are you feeling?" They asked curiously.

"G-good" You said in your raspy voice.

"That's good." He said as he looked over to Draco.

Soon the doctor began making sure that your breathing was still okay and made sure you didn't need any blood transfusions. After he finished, he then left leaving you and Draco alone once again.

"I'm glad your awake. I missed you." Draco said causing you to smile happily.

He smiled back at you before kissing your hand.

"I-i'm s-sorry." Your voice was still raspy but was starting to get better.

"Shhh. It's okay. I'm the one who should say sorry. I feel bad about our fight. I love you." He said this time causing your heart to melt.

"I l-love you too D-draco."

He smiled and kissed your cheek before getting up to go get you something to eat. You were happy to be awake and happy to see Draco again.
You slowly open your eyes and look around but smile as you see the dozens of flowers and stuffies. You sat up and grabbed the teddy bear that was beside her bed. A doctor walked into the room and noticed you were awake. He began to check your blood pressure and many other things to make sure you were okay. After he finished, he left and soon a nurse walks in with a smile. The nurse walked over to you and helped fix your pillows so you could sit more comfortably. The nurse then left leaving you alone. You see a remote and click one of the buttons. A picture showed up on the TV causing you to be shocked because you thought the remote was for the bed.

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