Birth pt 1

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It was the middle of night as Harry and you slept until a sharp pain in your lower abdomen. You jolted awake and held your stomach before feeling another jolt of pain causing you to scream. Harry woke up startled until he noticed you were in pain.

"What's wrong Pumpkin?" He asks as you take in a deep breath.

Before you could answer him though, you felt like you just pee'd the bed. Soon another contraction hit and you doubled over in pain. As soon as the pain subsided, you look at Harry with worry.

"I think it's time for our children to be born. Plus it doesn't help that my water just broke." You say as calm as possible.

Harry jumped up as fast as possible. He grabbed his glasses and put on some clothes before helping you up. You got changed into a dress before grabbing the go bag. Harry then grabbed your hand and apparated you guys to the hospital.

***Time-Skip brought to you by Ron throwing up slugs***

After you and Harry were settled into the hospital, you decided that it would a good idea to have an epidural. Which did help with the pain a bit. Soon after five minutes the doctor came in along with a nurse to check where your vitals are, the baby's heart beat and check your progress on the monitor. You soon felt another contraction causing the nurse to check down there. She looked to see how dilated you were and noticed that baby was starting to come. The nurse quickly notified the doctor and they quickly prepped for the baby come. They got other nurses to help them while the doctor sat by legs and told you to push. You did as told and pushed.

****Time-Skip brought to you by Draco Malfoy getting punched by Hermione Granger ****

After five hours, your twins were born. Harry and you were excited you finally got to see your little ones. Soon the nurse came in asking if you two were ready to name your guys babies. You looked to Harry and nodded. Harry smiled and looked at the the little one in his hands.

"Our son will be named James Sirius Potter." You spoke softly causing the nurse to smile.

"And for your daughter?" The nurse asks as she puts the medical bracelet on your guys son.

"Our daughter will be named Minerva Elizabeth Potter. As my wife wanted to name her that." Harry spoke causing you to look at him with an eye-roll.

The nurse laughed and did the same thing for your guys daughter.

"Those are lovely names. You two will make wonderful parents. Have a goodnight you guys." The nurse spoke before leaving.

You couldn't help but smile once again as you look at your son in your arms. Harry was holding Minerva which made your smile grow bigger. You two could believe that your precious little ones are finally in the world. What a perfect day.
You were at home listening to some classical music while you were knitting. As you were knitting, you began to feel a sharp pain in your lower abdomen but you thought it was just Braxton Hicks contractions like you normally got; But that was until you felt like you just peed yourself. Your eyes widened causing you to owl for a midwife to come and help you with the delivery of your child. You then quickly owl your husband before screaming in agonizing pain.

****Time-Skip brought to you by my depression****

After eight long hours of labor, you finally gave birth to your baby girl; Who you named Amelia Narcissa Malfoy. As you held her, Draco walked into the room and looked at you. Quickly he ran over to you and looked at his baby girl in your arms.

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