Second Task

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You were sitting in the library listening to Harry talk to you, Hermione and Ron about how the hell he is going to breathe under water. You didn't know what to say to him. Soon Professor Mad-eye Moody walked into the doorway causing all of you to look at him.

"Hate to break up this scholar session but Professor McGonagall would like to see you in her office. Not you two Potter and Weasley , just (L/N) and Granger." He said causing you and Hermione to look at each other strangely.

Before Hermione and you left towards Professor McGonagall's office, Hermione was arguing with the professor about the task but then you guys left afterwards. You and Hermione get to Professor McGonagall's office and and knock on the door. As soon as you guys heard the come in, you walked in and sighed. Before the two of you could say anything, everything turned black.

***Day of Second Task***

The next thing you remember is surfacing above water. You take a deep breath and began to swim towards the stands with Fleur's little sister. You help Fleur's little sister up out of the water along with other people helping. Then other people helped you out causing you to smile slightly as soon as a towel was wrapped around you. Soon Harry was leaped or pushed out of the water and landed on the stands. You smiled as you run over to your boyfriend and tackle him in a huge hug. Harry flinched a bit but then smiled slightly. Fleur came over to you and Harry and she kissed both of you on each cheek while saying thank you for rescuing her little sister. Harry looks at you after Fleur left and you just kiss his cheek before walking off to find (BFF/N). Dumbledore then began to say some words and then the words Harry gets Second Place. Everyone cheered and well you couldn't wait to head back to Hogwarts and sit in front of a warm fire. You were proud of Harry but still disappointed that he some how was put into the goblet of fire.
You sat there bored out of your mind with Draco talking to his goons. You smiled as you saw Neville looking at the water for Harry. You stood up and walked over to Neville without your boyfriend noticing. Neville looked at you and smiled happily.

"You do know Harry is fine. You gave him gillyweed, which means he will be alright." You say causing Neville to nod in agreement.

Soon you saw Cedric and Cho pop out of the water first; then Viktor and Hermione submerged from the water. You stood beside Neville until you felt a hand on your shoulder. You turn to see your boyfriend.

"What are you doing hanging out with Longbottom? You're supposed to be hanging out with me and my friends." Draco said in a hush angry tone of voice.

"Draco I'm bored. All you do is pay attention to is your friends whenever they are around and it bugs me. Besides I'm trying to help Neville stay calm because Harry isn't back yet. He should be out of the water by now." You said causing Draco to glare at you.

Draco grabbed your hand and dragged you back to his friends causing you to roll your eyes. You two sat there as Draco went back to chatting with his goons. Soon you see Fleur's little sister and Ron submerge from the water causing you to frown. As soon as those two were out of the water everyone began to wander where is Harry. You sat there silently until Harry pops out of the water like a dolphin or a fish. Everyone cheered and smiled as Harry was okay. Draco noticed your expression and glared slightly at you. You look to Draco confused but then smiles slightly.

"Why are you staring at Potter like that?" Draco asks you causing you to frown.

"Like what? Like how I'm happy to see that he is okay." You say causing him to glare at you more.

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