You're in a coma

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A/N:  Hey guys just to let you know that requests are always open. I still won't be adding any new characters but I will add other scenarios. so yeah. Also what did you guys think of the last chapter. I get it it was weird but still. If you have any concerns or questions about the last chapter, then please message me privately. Also sorry if this chapter is bad. I tried tho. Thank you and have a Wonderful Day.

P.S. This was requested by someone on quotev.
Harry stared at you as you laid still on the hospital. You were in a coma because of a crash. You had injured your head pretty badly in a collision with another car about three months ago. Harry was at work when this happened. He literally left after someone told him about what happened.

"(Y/N) please wake up. You need to wake up. I need you to be okay." Harry said through tears as he held your hand.

Harry continued to cry until Ron and Hermione came in to visit you. Harry wiped his tears away and looked to his friends with a slight smile.

"How is she doing?" Hermione asks with a frown.

"The doctor said she may or may not wake up yet. I'm worried that she might die." Harry said looking at you sadly.

"Harry you might have to think of if she did die what you would do. I mean (Y/N) may not recover at all." Hermione said causing Ron to sigh.

"Hermione just leave him alone." Ron said causing Hermione and Harry to look at him.

Hermione nodded and placed the flowers in her hand on your bedside table before walking back to Ron. They say bye to Harry and he said bye to them. He looked at you before standing up and kissing your forehead. He heads to the couch in the room and lays down falling asleep.
You lied in the hospital bed in a coma for about two weeks now. Draco was at the hospital worried since you suddenly walked out after your guys fight. Draco looked at you with a frown. He kissed your forehead and sat on the bed as you continued to lay still. He wished he could take back what he said to you but knew he couldn't. Draco wished you would wake up but you wouldn't budge. His parents told him to give up on you but he loved you too much to give up on ya. Soon there was a knock on the door and Draco turns to see a nurse. Draco looked back at you frowning before turning back to the nurse. The nurse nodded and walked into the room and began to check on you. Draco sighed as the nurse was taking to long to check up on you. As soon as the nurse was done, she left leaving you two alone. Draco kissed the top of head as he let's go of your hand. He then apparates home, just to cry because he wished you were awake and at home with him.
You frowned as he sat in your hospital room staring out the window. He had been visiting you everyday since your accident. You are in a coma and he wished you would wake up. Every time he uses a spell on you, you still won't wake up. Ron even asked Hermione to help but Hermione said that there is nothing she could do. Ron turns to you and sighs.

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