He cheats on you before the wedding

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You were excited cause just two more months you were to be to Harry. You were walking to the dress shop when you saw Ginny and Harry together. You thought they were hanging out as friends until you saw them kiss. Tears begin to well up in your eyes. You ran home and began to cry harder than before.

***three hours later***

You cried for about three hours until you heard your door open. You wipe your tears away and look in the direction of the footsteps walking towards the living room. Harry walks in and you glared. You picked up a vase and threw it at him. Harry ducked and looked at you very confused.

"What is going on? Why did you through the vase?" Harry asks in total shock.

You grab some pillows and throw them at him this time. Harry flinched at this and sighed.

"HOW COULD YOU CHEAT ON ME WITH GINNY AGAIN!!!??? HOW!!!???" You scream at him as you begin to cry again and this time picking up a lamp and throwing it.

Harry moved out of the way and looked at you wide eyed.

"(Y/N), I'm so sorry. How did you find out?" Harry asked disappointed in himself.


"(Y/N) I'll end it with Ginny. Just let's talk about this." He said still upset.

"I SAID GET OUT NOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" You shout.

Harry frowned and nodded.

"I'm sorry." He said as he turns around and heads out the door.

You just stood there with tears still falling from being hurt again.
You were talking to Hermione about the wedding when you saw Draco and Pansy together. Hermione noticed your expression and turned to see what you were looking at. She was shocked to see Malfoy and Parkinson together kissing and holding hands. You were devastated but angry at the same time. You decide to walk over to them and clear your throat. They both look at you after you clear your throat causing their eyes to widen mainly Draco's.

"(Y/N) what are you doing?" Draco asks anxiously.

You slapped him across the face and glare.

"Draco how could you? We are supposed to get married next month and you decide to cheat. I can't even. We're done. The wedding is off. I hope you and Pug-face Parkinson are very happy together." You say before turning around and walking off.

Draco watched you while Pansy glared as you left. Hermione followed you and comforted you while you cried and had to call everyone saying that the wedding is off because of Draco being a cheat.
You frown as mysteriously get a envelope with a bunch of pictures. As you look at the pictures curiously, you noticed Ron was kissing Hermione again. You gulped and glared at the photos. You then get up and head to yours and Ron's shared room. You begin to pack all your things up into your suitcase. You made sure to double check that you had everything. Then you began to head for the door when Ron opens the door looking at you confused.

"Are you going somewhere?" Ron asks and you glare at him.

"Yeah to my parents place right after I go to Hermione's and slap her across the face." You say still glaring.

"Why would you slap Hermione? (Y/N) what's with you?" He asks now very more confused.

"I got some pictures of you and her making out in our bed, in her bed and out in public. That's why I want her to slap her but she is not worth it and neither are you.So how long have you been cheating on me? The wedding is off and we're done. Don't ever talk to me again." You say taking a deep breath in.

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