How you met

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Harry Potter:
You were walking around with your best friend, (BFF/N), talking about charms class. As you two talked, you heard Fred and George Weasley. You sigh and grab your friend and move her to behind the statue to hide from the two devils that like to prank you and her. Your friend looked at you and you nodded to the ginger haired twins who are readying the prank for you both to walk in. But as soon as the twins finish placing the prank, a Slytherin walked straight into causing them to scream bloody murder. (BFF/N) and you came out of hiding and saw Pansy Parkinson covered in some sort of new slime. (BFF/N) began to laugh causing Fred and George to look at who they got and began to laugh. You look at Pansy and shrug since you know those Weasley Twins are going to get their house in so much trouble. Since you are in Ravenclaw you know Pansy is going to go after you and your best friend as well because you both were around. You sigh and begin to walk away when out of no where Professor Snape came out into sight to see what was happening. You stopped and looked at him and frowned.

"What happened here?" Professor Snape asked glaring at you, (BFF/N), and the Weasley twins.

"The twins did the prank. (Y/N) and I saw them setting it up and well we hid because we knew the prank was for us, sir. We didn't want to get prank'd again because every time we do, it takes us days to recover. Please Professor, we didn't do anything." (BFF/N) says in a gulp.

The Professor looked at you causing you to frown.

"Twenty points from Gryffindor." He said as he turned to the Twins.

He then turned to you and your friend before walking off with a Pansy Parkinson following right behind him. You then turn to the twins and sigh before walking off. As you rounded the next corner, you bump into someone. You look up to see Harry Potter himself. You didn't have him in any of your classes but you have heard of him.

"I am so sorry." You say.

Harry looked at you and just smiled.

"It's fine. I'm Harry. What's your name?" He asks you.

"(Y/N) (L/N). It's nice to meet you. But I got to go. Bye." You say before running off to your dormitory.

You get to your dormitory and sigh. You couldn't believe you bumped into Harry Potter himself. So you wrote about it in your journal about your whole entire day.


Draco Malfoy:
You were being bullied by Pansy again and you wished it would stop. She hated that you were partnered up with Draco in Potions class. But you didn't see why she would do this for something so stupid. You were a Gryffindor and you hated the idea of being partnered up with a Slytherin. As Pansy kept bullying you and calling you mean names, Draco saw this as he soon rounded the corner of the halls.

"PANSY! Stop this and go find Crab and Goyle! NOW!" Draco said making Pansy to run off.

You look at Malfoy and glare at him.

"MALFOY GO TO HELL! I COULD HAVE DEALT WITH THIS MYSELF!" You say with your teeth clinched together.

Draco smirked making you even more angry. You knew he was spiteful, arrogant, spoiled and very cunning. You also knew he could get you and your friends angry as soon as he opened his bloody mouth. You punch him the face before walking off. But as you thought you were far enough, Malfoy grabbed your arm. You turn around about to punch him again when Draco then kisses your cheek causing you to blush massively and then he walked off making you confused.


Ronald Weasley:
You and Ron knew each other as kids.


Fred Weasley:
You met the Weasley Twins when you three started at Hogwarts. But you were put in Hufflepuff and them in Gryffindor. But between the Weasley Twins, your best friend was Fred Weasley.


George Weasley:
You were a Slytherin and George was a Gryffindor. You, Fred and George were best friends as kids. But when you three were separated from each other, the twins would always find a way to prank you making you very angry but also making you laugh at the same time but on the inside only. You missed the guys but you missed your best friend, George the most because he understands you the most.


Cedric Diggory:
You and Cedric have known each other since you both were infants. You both are inseparable and both in Hufflepuff.


Severus Snape:

You were a teacher at Hogwarts. You were currently teaching your Astronomy class when Snape, McGonagall, Dumbledore and Hagrid walked in causing you to dismiss your students. As soon as all your students were gone you look at them confused. Until Dumbledore ask how your class is going. You sighed.

"Class is fine. Is this about Harry?" You ask making them all nod.

You sigh knowing Harry was already starting to get into trouble again. You knew why Snape was in between of liking and disliking Harry. The only reason he kind of likes Harry is because Harry is Lily Potter's son and Severus was in Love with Lily. You knew this for so long. Minerva then began to talk about something random. After a few minutes some students for your next class started to arrive causing Snape, McGonagall, Dumbledore and Hagrid to leave. But before Snape left, he put some potions on your desk and then left. You then begin to get ready to teach your next class.


Tom Riddle/Voldemort:
You knew Tom since you were ten years old and he murdered the Potters. Which the Potters were watching you for your parents until Voldemort killed the Potters. The weird thing was Voldemort tried not to kill you but you were glad for that.

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