You don't forgive him (His POV)

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(Y/N) was talking to Hermione when they heard mine and Ginny's conversation. (Y/N) walked over to me and looked at us annoyed as Ginny glared at the both of us. I smiled causing her to slap me. I quickly grabbed my face as I looked at her in shock.

"Harry I don't forgive you and I don't know if I can love you anymore with how much you have hurt me with the cheating and lying. So leave me alone from now on. Good-bye." She said before walking off back to Hermione.

Once she was back by Hermione's side, she quickly hugged (Y/N) and glared at me. I looked between (Y/N) and Hermione before walking off. I couldn't believe that (Y/N) wouldn't forgive me one last time. I didn't understand it but I understood to that she needed space for a while. 



(Y/N) was listening to Human by Krewella as she stared at a tree before pretending that she wasn't cry. I had found her and noticed that she had headphones in. I knew that (Y/N) still couldn't believe I would would hurt her this badly. I walked over to her and took one earbud out. She looked at me and glared. It has been nearly two days since she had seen me and she was furious now.

"What do you want Malfoy?" (Y/N) ask causing me to flinch a bit at how harsh she had said that.

I quickly gulped and sighed. I looked to the side before sighing again.

"I came to apologize. I shouldn't have cheated and thought maybe you can give me one last chance. I want to make it up to you." I say.

She scoffed and shook her head. Was I an idiot? Like she would give me one last chance. (Y/N) stood up and I had followed suit. She quickly slapped me hard across the face.

"Malfoy I will never forgive you. You literally cheated on me with Pug-face Parkinson. So go to hell Malfoy."

After she said that, she had apparated back to Hermione's house where she just probably cried and sulked into Hermione's couch as Hermione comforted her. Really wishing I hadn't broken her heart once again.



I walk towards (Y/N)'s house only to to see (Y/N) and Ginny talking. (Y/N) was holding the wedding dress she was supposed to wear. It broke my heart when I hurt her. Walking up to the door, I quickly know on the door waiting for her to answer. When (Y/N) finally answered though she looked at me angrily. I have never seen her this angry before. Taking in a deep breath I decide to speak.

"(Y/N) I am sorry. I made another mistake and really wish that you will give me another chance. I love you (Y/N)." I say as I look into her gorgeous (e/c) eyes.

(Y/N) scoffed at this as she looks at me with more rage. I try to hand her the flowers but instead she pushed me away and knocked the flowers out of my hands.

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