~Chapter 85~

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~Tennessee and Grayson' POV~

~Time Jump~

We only have a month left until we marry the love of our life. Since we ended April everything has been going well for us. We haven't had any more problems thank fucking hades. These last few months have been fucking crazy, to say the least. Gray and I have hired an architect and a construction company to build a few more cabins on the land that our cabin is on. We wanted to make sure that every one that is part of the wedding and our close friends and family felt comfortable. We didn't want to put them in a hotel or anything like that. Amethyst has no clue that we have done all of this the only other 2 people that know are Ace and Blue. Amethyst has been running around like a chicken with her head cut off lately. She has been working her ass off to make sure everything is ready for the wedding.

Tennessee- Gray have you heard from Blue yet?

Grayson- No not yet. I'm hoping he calls soon to let us know that everything is completely done.

Tennessee- Yeah me too. I can't wait to see Amethyst's reaction. I still can't believe we pulled this off without her finding out.

Grayson- It did help that she was pretty focused on the wedding.

Tennessee- We all have been pretty focused on the wedding. But she has been way more focused than the rest of us.

Grayson- That she has but I can already tell that this wedding is going to be great. I also love how she wanted Nessa to be the flower girl.

Tennessee- I know I can't wait to see Nessa in her cute little dress sitting in her wagon.

Grayson- I know I can't wait either. Also when we show her want we have done out at the cabin, do we plan on telling her that we have also changed our last names?

Tennessee- No let's keep that a secret until the wedding.

Grayson- Okay sounds to me.

We talk for a bit longer and then we get the call we have been waiting for.

~Phone Conversation~

Grayson- Hey bro we have been waiting for your call.

Blue- Haha of course you 2 were.

Tennessee- So bro what's the word?

Blue- Everything is finished and it's all ready. Am is going to love it when she sees everything.

Grayson- Oh thank god. I was worried that something was going to be wrong or it wasn't finished yet.

Tennessee- I felt the same way. So you're telling us that each cabin is exactly the way we had them designed?

Blue- Yes everything is just the way you wanted it. Ace and I have made sure of this ourselves. We went into each cabin to make sure and we even made sure everything is working properly.

Grayson- Okay we will see you 2 in a couple of hours then.

Blue- Okay see you both soon.

~End of the phone conversation~

We hang up and we head over to our house to grab our soon-to-be wife. We are taking her to the cabin to show her exactly what we have done. So what we did was we built different cabins on the property. We did this cuz we wanted our close family and friends to be close by and not at a hotel for when we get married. We ended up building 2 bigger cabins and a few smaller ones. The smaller ones are all around the main cabin the 2 bigger ones are more off near the woods. So your probably wondering why a few smaller ones and then 2 bigger ones. Well, the bigger ones are for our close family and friends to stay in. As for the smaller ones they are for our group each couple has their own. Once we get to our house we tell our Queen to get ready cuz we are leaving.

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