~Chapter 40~

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~Damon' POV~

I wake up next to Morgan. She turns and faces me but she is still asleep. I look at the clock to make sure I still have time to leave before Ace gets here. I do hope she picks me but I also know that she does love Ace. I lay here with her in my arms this feels good and I have never felt like this before. I have only had feelings for one other woman in my life and yes I still love this girl from my past. Morgan doesn't know much about my past and I hope to keep it that way. I was with Morgan when we were in high school we went to different high schools. So one night at a graduation party I ended up making the biggest mistake of my life I do regret what I did. I got drunk and ended up raping the girl I have loved and I still do love her. She stopped speaking to me and I know she hates me and she doesn't want to speak to me or see me. I haven't seen her or spoken to her in 12 years. When I finally get out of my thoughts I looked down at this beautiful woman in my arms and I see she is looking at me.

Morgan- Morning babe what's going on in that head of yours?

Damon- Just thinking about you and me.

Morgan- Oh yeah.

Damon- Yup I do hope you pick me. I love you and I want everything with you.

Morgan- Oh babe I love you too. Now we both need to get dressed cuz Ace should be at the clubhouse by now. I'll come by before I head to the club okay.

Damon- Sounds good babe.

We get up and get dressed we eat breakfast quickly. Then I head out and go back to my Clubhouse. When I get to my office I get a phone call.

~Phone call Conversation~

Damon- Hello.

Grayson- Hello Damon.

Damon- Who is this?

Grayson- It's a shame you don't remember me. Well, I'm calling to inform you that this Saturday the Dragons are having a party for every Charter that's within a 50-mile radius.

Damon- The dragons but their president passed away and he didn't have an heir.

Grayson- Yes that's true his only heir was his daughter. But as she is a woman she couldn't take over. So her father left it to me.

Damon- Okay well I still don't know you. I guess I'll find out this Saturday. What time is this party?

Grayson- 7 pm you should remember all the rules. The rules are still the same as before. I'll see you Saturday night have a nice day Damon.

With that, he hung up.

~End of the phone call Conversation~

Who the fuck was that? How did he know me but I didn't know him? I wonder who in the hell would Amethyst' dad leave his club to. Fuck this is going to bug the shit out of me until Saturday when I find out who this guy is. I'm sitting at my desk doing some paperwork when my office door opens up. I look up and see Morgan standing there she has been crying.

Damon- Baby what's wrong?

I get up and walk over to her and I wrap my arms around her.

Morgan- He left me.

Damon- What do you mean he left you?

Morgan- Ace came by and said he doesn't love me. He told me that he was done and I could keep or sell the ring. I don't know why he would end things with me like that.

Damon- Baby maybe he didn't love you anymore cuz he knew you are not the one.

Morgan- But we were together for 5 years. How could he just throw that away?

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