~Chapter 42~

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~Tennessee' POV~

We all see Damon and Morgan walk in. Fuck here we go I see them walking over to us Amethyst has already walked away with Carter, Max, and Blue. She went to find Ace and Summer to give them a heads up that Morgan and Damon are here. Gray and I just look at each other as these 2 walks over to us.

Damon- Well if it isn't Tennessee Adams the President of the Wolves.

Tennessee- Damon.

Damon- Grayson is that you?

Grayson- Yes Damon it's me what do you want?

Damon- Well I was wondering where this President of yours is.

Grayson- My President is around here somewhere. Tennessee did you see what way my President went?

Tennessee- If I remember right your President went that way.

I pointed to where Amethyst went. This is going to be fucking hilarious when he finds out who the Dragon's President is and also that the Wolves and Dragons are a combined club.

Grayson- So now what else do you want?

Damon- I don't want anything. So how are you, Grayson?

Grayson- I'm good I'm really good.

Damon- What about you Tennessee how are you? Have you found your Queen yet?

Tennessee- I'm really good. And yes I did find my Queen. You will meet her later.

Damon- Sounds good. So Grayson have you seen Amethyst?

Grayson- Why does it matter to you if I have seen her or not. Don't you have your Queen?

Damon- Yes I do. This is Morgan, my Queen. And I was just hoping to say hi to Amethyst it's been a while. The last time I've seen her was at that high school graduation party.

Morgan- It's nice to meet you, Grayson. Tennessee it's nice to see you again.

Tennessee- Wish I could say the same, Morgan.

Grayson- So this is the woman that Ace left.

Tennessee- Yes it is.

Grayson- Wow you moved on very fast.

Morgan- So what it's my life and I can do what I want.

Damon- Well we should go and talk to some of the other Presidents. Tennessee, Grayson it was nice talking to you both.

Grayson- Wish I could say the same, Damon.

Tennessee- Later.

Morgan and Damon walked away. God I can't stand them Morgan did Ace wrong and Damon is just a fucking sick fuck. Gray and I see Amethyst talking and laughing with Ace, Summer, Blue, Max, and Carter. We walk over to them and we stand next to our Queen.

Tennessee- Hey babe how's it going?

Amethyst- It's going well. How was it talking to the low lives?

Tennessee- Well Gray and I just wanted to kill that son of a bitch right then and there.

Grayson- Fuck yeah and that bitch Morgan what the fuck. Ace you upgraded Summer is way more beautiful and smart than that thing.

Ace- Haha yeah I still ask myself every day what did I ever see in Morgan.

Tennessee- She was an easy fuck haha.

Summer- Tennessee is probably right you saw her as an easy fuck but then somehow it turned into more.

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