~Chapter 96~

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~Grayson and Tennessee' POV~

When we all called it a night after a few movies we all headed to bed. We showed Reese to the room he will be staying in and then we went to our room. Amethyst has been inside her head all night we know she is trying to figure out what she wants. Are we mad that she has feelings for Ace no we ain't will we be mad if she does want him to join in our relationship no we won't? We want her happy and we also want Ace happy. When Ace came to us a few months ago and told us about his feelings for Am we weren't shocked at all. We have seen the way he would look at her and how she would look at him. Yes, they do have a brother and sister bond but we are pretty sure that's just so they can try and push their feelings away. We both think Ace should join in on our relationship but the decision is for Am to make. When we got to our room we took a shower and then we made love to our wife. Am is now fast asleep right in the middle and we are cuddled up next to her.

Tennessee- So what do you think she's going to do?

Grayson- Honesty she is probably going to have Ace join us.

Tennessee- I kind of figured she would but she is also going to feel bad cuz of Lily.

Grayson- Yeah she doesn't like hurting the ones she loves. I'm sure Lily is going to be happy for Am no matter what. We also don't know if Ace has talked to Lily about his feelings for Am.

Tennessee- That's true I'm sure he did just cuz he is that type of guy. He always has to be honest no matter what even if it will hurt someone. Just in case we need to sit down with him today and talk to him.

Grayson- Yeah that we should. Plus we told Reese we would talk to him.

Tennessee- Okay well we should try and get some sleep. We have a busy day ahead of us.

Grayson- Alright night man.

Tennessee- Night.

We fall asleep next to our beautiful wife. The next morning we all wake up at the same time. Before we get up and get ready for the day we make love to our wife. Once we are ready we head downstairs and Amethyst starts to make breakfast for everyone. Yes, they all come over to our house to have breakfast. Amethyst loves cooking for our family. Shortly before breakfast is done Blue, Sasha, Ace, and Reese all come downstairs.

Tennessee- Good morning everyone.

Ace- Good morning.

Blue- Morning everyone.

Sasha- Good morning everyone.

Reese- Good morning.

Amethyst- How did you sleep Joker?

Reese- Good the bed was comfortable but I did miss my wife and children.

Amethyst- How are Rae and the children doing?

Reese- They are all good Rae can't wait for your baby shower. Rhett and Rory said they can't wait to meet their new cousins. Rose is super excited to meet her twin cousins.

Tennessee- Love do you need any help?

Amethyst- Sure babe could you take this and put it on the dining room table.

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