~Chapter 31~

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~Cherish' POV~

I can't believe I called Fallon out on her bullshit. She almost fucked up my chances of becoming a Dragon. I'm glad she's finally gone. Sapphire is a good VP I don't understand why Fallon wanted to take her down. I know that I'm going to have to show Amethyst that I want to be here and that I will do anything to earn her trust back. Thanks to Xavier he helped me tell Amethyst the truth about Fallon and I'm happy he came clean about Nikko. I go to my room and I get ready for bed. I go to the bathroom and I shower. After my shower, I get dressed in my pajamas. I walk out of the bathroom and I go to lay down but I hear a knock at my door. I walk over to the door and I answer it.

Cherish- Hey what's up?

Xavier- Hey I just came to check on you and to see how you are doing.

Cherish- I'm good and thank you for everything. I don't think I could have done it without you.

Xavier- You're welcome plus I was just sick and tired of Fallon and Nikko trying to control us. We didn't deserve anything they put us through I'm glad they are gone.

Cherish- Yeah they have put us through hell. We both are going to have to work our asses off just to earn back Amethyst' trust.

Xavier- Yeah I know Nikko had me say some nasty shit to her. I'm surprised that I'm even still alive after some of the shit I have said to her.

Cherish- Yeah I'm shocked I'm still alive. I thought for sure Sapphire would have killed me after finding out that I was the one helping Fallon.

Xavier- Well all we can do now is earn their trust back with everyone.

Cherish- Yeah that we will. Would you like to stay with me tonight?

Xavier- Sure I'll stay with you tonight.

Cherish- Thank you again for everything.

Xavier- You're very welcome. Let's get some sleep. Tomorrow we will start earning everyone's trust back.

Cherish- Okay sounds good.

We both get up from the couch and walk over to the bed. We both get in and I cuddle up to Xavier I lay my head down on his chest. I feel safe with him being here.

Cherish- Is this okay?

Xavier- Yes it's fine.

Cherish- Okay good cuz right now with you here I feel safe.

Xavier- Well I'm glad I make you feel safe. Now let's get some sleep once we are going to need it. Goodnight Cherish.

Cherish- Goodnight Xavier.

We both just lay there and I don't know when we fell asleep.

~End of Cherish' POV~

~Xavier' POV~

I can't believe that Cherish asked me to stay with her tonight. We are laying down on her bed she has her head on my chest and she is cuddled up to me. Cherish and I had become close friends when she first got here. As I lay here I start to think about all the shit I did to Amethyst. Fuck I know I should have never fucking listened to Nikko' fucking ass. He made me say some nasty shit to Amethyst over the last few months. I hope I can get her trust back and I hope she can forgive me. Yes, when I first got here I did have a crush on Amethyst. I have seen her with Grayson so I thought that they were a couple at the time. But at the time they were broken up so I never made a move on her. Amethyst pretty much saved my life so I owe her my life. One day she was out at her club and I was there and I was out back with a few of my friends. Well, my friends bought drugs off of some dude well it ended up as a drug deal gone wrong. Well, thankfully Amethyst came out right before the dealer was able to shoot me. He had his gun pointed right at my head when Amethyst came out she had her gun already out so she must have heard what was going on. She shot the guy right in the head and she acted like it was nothing. From that day on she brought me to the clubhouse and she made me a club player. She gave me a place to live and she helped me get off the drugs. I am very thankful for her and everything she has done for me. I don't even know when I fell asleep but the next thing I know is that I was waking up to the sun shining in. Cherish is still sound asleep she is also still cuddled up next to me. I just lay here and wait for her to wake up which is ain't long.

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