~Chapter 58~

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~Morgan' POV~

It's been a few weeks since that bitch fucking tortured me. I will get my revenge on her I just have to figure out what I'm going to do. Also, I know just how I'm getting my revenge on Ace. I'll be killing his stupid ass girlfriend. Damon doesn't know what I'm up to and I hope to keep it that way. I get out of bed and of course, Damon isn't in bed he must be having chapel. I get up and I go shower and get ready for the day. After my shower, I head downstairs and get breakfast. Damon and everyone else walk out of the chapel room. He sees me and walks over to me and then kisses the top of my head.

Damon- Good morning.

Morgan- Good morning.

Damon- What are your plans for today?

Morgan- I don't have any I was going to go to the store and pick up a few things.

Damon- Okay well I have some business to take care of this morning and afternoon but I'm free if you wanted to go to lunch. While you run to the store I'll go deal with my morning business. Then after lunch, I could handle my afternoon business but that is all up to you.

Morgan- Okay babe that sounds good. We haven't been out for a while now. I'll just go to the store right away then come back and I'll get ready for our lunch date.

Damon- Okay babe see you soon. I love you.

Morgan- I love you too babe.

He kisses me then he heads out. I go grab my purse, phone, and keys and I head out to go to the store. Once I get back I start to get ready for our lunch date. As soon as I'm finished Damon walks in and asks if I'm ready to go.

Damon- Babe are you ready to head out?

Morgan- Yes I'm ready to go.

We head out for our date. Once we get to the restaurant we are seated right away and we order our drinks. By the time the waitress comes back with our drinks we know what we want to order so we place our order. While we are waiting for our food we sit and talk. Once we are finished with our lunch we head back to the clubhouse. When we get to the clubhouse Damon tells me he needs to go to deal with some business. He gives me a quick kiss and then heads out. I head inside and I go up to our room I need to figure out my plan to get my revenge.

~End of Morgan' POV~

~Damon' POV~

After our lunch, I lied to Morgan by saying I needed to go handle some business. I'm headed to warn Amethyst that Morgan wants revenge. I know she is fucking pissed off after what Amethyst did to her. I also know that she still plans to get back to Ace. Morgan is not the same woman that I fell in love with she has changed. I get to the clubhouse and park my bike and walk up to the door and ring the doorbell. After a few seconds, someone answers the door.

Blue- What are you doing here Damon?

Damon- Blue I need to talk to your prez it's about Morgan.

Blue- Fine but you better not be fucking lying.

Damon- I'm not this is really about Morgan and it's important.

Blue- Fine come in and follow me.

I walk in close the door behind me and followed Blue. We stop at a door and he knocks.

Amethyst- Who is it and what do you want?

Blue- Cutie it's me and Damon is here to see you. He says it's about Morgan.

Amethyst- Okay B let him in.

Blue opens the door and there sits Amethyst, Grayson, and Tennessee. She signals for me to take a seat and I do.

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