~Chapter 70~

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~Tennessee' POV~

We arrived at Starbucks early so we can all get into our places. We sent River, Sky, Ryder, and Hunter in first then Summer went inside. We are parked across the street so we can see what's going on as well. It's almost 2 pm we see Summer get up and she walks over to the counter. She orders one large Caramel Ribbon Crunch Frappuccino and a large Kiwi Star Fruit Refresher with lemonade. Her order is called and she grabs it and then Andreas walks in, he walks right up to her and kisses her on the cheek and then they go sit down.

~Summer and Andreas' Conversation~

Andreas- Hello beautiful it's nice to see you again.

Summer- Hello Andreas here is your frappuccino.

Andreas- Thanks beautiful. So how have you been?

Summer- I've been good.

Andreas- So what did you want to talk about beautiful?

Summer- I want to talk about us.

Andreas- Okay what about us?

Summer- Well before I come back to you I need you to prove to me that you have changed. I will not go through all that shit I did before. You will be faithful to me I'll be able to come and go as I want and you will never lay a hand on me again.

Andreas- Okay I understand where you are coming from. I have done some fucked up shit to you in the past and I'm sorry for all that. When you left me that's when I realized I have truly fucked up and lost the love of my life. I promise you that I can be that man you fell in love with, I will prove to you that you can trust me.

Summer- Okay then once I know that I can trust you 100% I'll come back to you. But you need to stay away from the ones I care about.

Andreas- Okay I promise Ace, Amethyst, Grayson, and Tennessee will all be safe I won't do anything to them.

Summer- Also if this is going to work I will be calling all the shots for right now. So for now I will continue to live at the clubhouse you will start by showing me that I can trust you. We can go on dates but we will not be sleeping together yet. I want you to go get tested for any STD' and I want to see the results. We will take this slow like we are starting all over from the beginning this is the only way.

Andreas- Okay I will do anything you want. I'm okay with taking this slow again and I will earn your trust back. I just want you and only you beautiful. I have missed you like fucking crazy.

Summer- You better not fuck this up.

Andreas- I won't you have my word.

~End of Summer and Andreas' Conversation~

They plan their first date and then we see them walk out. Andreas hugs Summer and then kisses her on the cheek. He walks Summer over to her bike and then he goes to his car and drives off. River, Hunter, Sky, and Ryder came out of Starbucks and now we head back to the clubhouse to talk and come up with a plan. Once we got home we all headed to the chapel room. Once we got inside we all took our seats.

Tennessee- Summer you did an amazing job in there today.

Amethyst- Yes you played it very well good job.

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