~Chapter 92~

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~Amethyst' POV~

We're here in the office waiting for Andreas to say what he needs to.

Andreas- Okay well Summer I'm also leaving you.

What in the fuck is going on here? What has Summer done to get both her men to leave her?

Summer- You can't leave me we have a child on the way.

Andreas- That's the thing Summer you have been telling us lies. See when I got my DNA test result back it said I was not the father. So I thought okay Ace is but then he texted me saying he was leaving you. Well that told me right there that he also was not the father cuz he and I talked before. He said that if the test comes back that he's not the father then he's leaving you. So then I started to follow you when you would leave and I found out that you were cheating on us with the president of one of our other charters.

Summer- What the fuck Andreas why would you say that. I would never cheat on you 2 I love you both so much it hurts.

Andreas- I have fucking proof Summer.

Amethyst- What the fuck Summer? Why would you even do that to Ace when you know what he has been through?

Summer- I'm sorry I fell in love with Drew.

Grayson- How long Summer?

Summer- Drew and I have been off and on for a few years now. I was going to ask to be transferred to his charter but then Amethyst said she had someone for me to meet. Drew at that time didn't want to settle down so I said fuck it why not meet Ace and see where it could go. Well then when I was dealing with the whole mother thing I started talking to Drew again. He told me he was ready to settle down and he wanted me by his side as his Queen. I never wanted to hurt either of you shit just happens you can't help who you fall in love with.

Ace- I trusted you with my heart and your just like Morgan.

Andreas- I never thought you would be the type to cheat on your partner.

Amethyst- Well Summer you get your wish you get to transfer to Drew' charter. Oh one more thing you leave your cut you are no longer a Dragon you will now only be an old lady.

Summer- I will still be a Queen.

Grayson- No you won't did you forget that all the charters have only one true Queen. Oh wait that's right you didn't know that. Amethyst is the one and only true Queen and we are the King's. Everyone one else is just the president and if they are with someone they are just an old lady nothing more.

Amethyst- Gray is right when I became the Queen I changed a lot of rules. I don't run thing's like my father did and every charter knows this. Why do you think they need to run everything by me first. Oh that's right you don't cuz you didn't have the right to know. You were not a high ranking member and now you ain't a member at all. So before you leave you will be blacking out the club tattoos and handing in your cut.

Summer- Fine let's just get this over with so I can get the hell out of here.

Grayson takes Summer to the tattoo shop that's in the house to black out her tatts.

Amethyst- Ace, Andreas how you both feeling?

Ace- I'm shocked but I'm happy. I can finally ask Lily out. Oh before I forget Andreas Lily has a sister that likes you.

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