~Chapter 2~

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~ The Grey Wolves MC ~

~ Tennessee's POV~

Tennessee- Guys, we have chapel in 10 minutes.

I go to the chapel room to wait for the guys as I wait here. I'm deep in my thoughts. I've been thinking about making a few changes, but I need my MC to vote. So that is why I'm holding this meeting. I just hope everything goes as planned. As I get out of my deep thoughts and come back to reality, the guys start to come in. Once everyone is inside and the door is closed, we start the meeting.

Tennessee - I called this meeting because we need to take a vote on a few things. So I will explain everything first, then we can take a vote on everything.

Memphis - Sounds good, Prez.

Storm- Yup sounds good, Prez.

Phoenix - Sounds good, Prez.

Hunter - Sounds good to me, Prez.

Ryder - Yeah, Prez, it sounds good to me, too.

Tennessee - So, I think we should do business with Amethyst and her club, but we will take it to a vote. But I think it's time for a change. Yes, I've seen how the Dragon's do things now, and they are making a killing they own hotels and clubs, and they even have a bar just for their club. Amethyst has done a really good job on turning her club straight. Yes, she will still do a few illegal business deals, but not that much anymore. I think we could benefit from this change. Otherwise, I wouldn't be bringing it up. So now let's take a vote. Yes, or no, my vote is yes.

Memphis - Yes, I'm in.

Storm - My vote is yes.

Phoenix - Yes, let's do this.

Hunter - This could be for the best, so yes, I'm in.

Ryder- Fuck yes let's do this.

Tennessee- Well fuck I didn't think everyone was going to be on board but this is even better. Okay, then I will get in touch with Amethyst right away and set up a meeting with her. So now that we have gone over everything that I needed to is done. Everyone is now dismissed and I'll call Amethyst right away.

They all get up and head towards the door Hunter opens the door and then they leave and it's just my VP Memphis and I in the room. I take out my cellphone and went into my contacts and when I saw Amethyst's name I hit the call button and it starts to ring.

~Phone Conversation~

Amethyst- Hello

Tennessee- Hey Amethyst this is Tennessee.

Amethyst- Tennessee as in the President of The Grey Wolves?

Tennessee Yes that's me.

Amethyst- Holy fucking shit it's been a long ass time how are you?

Tennessee- I've been good how have you been?

Amethyst- I've been good and really busy. So what made you decide to call me?

Tennessee- Well I have been thinking about doing a few changes with my club and you are the first person that popped into my head. I believe you could help me and my club so I would like to set up a meeting with you and your VP and of course, you could bring a few more of your trusted members. So what do you say?

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