~Chapter 62~

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~Tennessee' POV~

We all have been very busy these last 3 months with trying to take down Morgan and planning our wedding. Our wedding is 6 and a half months away we want to take down Morgan before we get married. We have been meeting with Damon every Friday still. He has told us that Morgan is going to try and kill Amethyst as well. We all have also been helping Kay and Koda with Nessa. Gray and I are at the hotel and restaurant which is now open and it's doing well.

Tennessee- Gray how are those books coming along?

Grayson- They are coming along great we are making a killing.

Tennessee- That's great. So we should be able to head home soon then?

Grayson- Yeah I just need to go over one more thing then we are good to go. I can't wait to get home and just cuddle up to our fiancee.

Tennessee- I know I can't wait either. We need to take her back to the cabin soon. She has been so damn stressed out about the wedding and Morgan.

Grayson- Let's take her this weekend. We can even take Blue, Ace, Koda, Kay, and Nessa with us this time.

Tennessee- Sounds good we will talk to Koda and Kay when we get home.

Grayson- Okay well I'm finished let's get fuck out of here.

Tennessee- Alright let's go.

We head out of the office and we lock it up. We walk out of the building and walk over to our bikes. Before we get to our bikes we hear someone yell our names. We turn around and see the stupid fucking bitch Morgan.

Tennessee- What the fuck do you want Morgan?

Grayson- What the fuck do you want Morgan?

Morgan- I just wanted to let you both know that I will be getting revenge on your queen for what she did to me.

Tennessee- You do know that won't ever happen. Also, we could easily take you out right here and now just for saying that fucking shit.

Morgan- Haha you can't do shit to me.

Grayson- Haha and why do you say that?

Morgan- Well 1 it's cuz I'm the queen of the Devil' and 2 you both would never hurt a female.

Tennessee- Haha okay well the second one might be right. But we don't give a shit about who you are.

Grayson- Plus I think if we wanted to take you out we could. But we are going to leave that for our Queen. She can't wait to get her hands on you and she is going to have fun watching you die nice and slow.

Morgan- Haha she will never be able to get ahold of me. Plus when I do make my move against her and Ace' whore they won't know it was me.

Tennessee- Haha that might be true but we will know that it was you.

Morgan- That's okay you won't have the proof to take me down. So I will get away with murder.

We need to keep stalling her for a while longer. Gray sent a text to Damon, Amethyst, and the rest of them. We all knew she would want us to know that she plans to get revenge. So we came up with this plan that if she ever did come up to us this would be the time to make our move. We have waited long enough to take this bitch out and now that time finally has come.

Tennessee- You wouldn't get away with shit.

Grayson- Proof or no proof we would hunt you down and kill you. We have this thing where we shoot first and ask questions later.

Morgan- You both know damn well Damon would never let you hurt or kill me. He would do anything to protect me.

Tennessee- That might be true but he also doesn't want to go to war with us. He knows damn well he would fucking lose. We could easily wipe out his whole fucking club without even blinking.

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