~Chapter 94~

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~Tennessee, Amethyst, and Grayson' POV~

So now that we are home and we have told everyone about the twins. We can now focus on the club and our businesses. Today we are also meeting with Reese to talk about the transfer of Lily and Meadow. We're also meeting with Drew again to make sure Summer is not trying to plan anything against us. We are sitting in our office when we hear a knock on the door.

Tennessee- Enter at your own risk.

The door opens and in walks in a freaked-out Cherish.

Grayson- Cherish what's wrong you look like you saw a ghost.

Cherish- Everything is wrong.

Amethyst- Calm down and tell us what's wrong. We might be able to help you out.

She grabs something white and blue out of her pocket and sets it on our desk. When she sets it down we could see that it was a pregnancy test.

Amethyst- Cherish is this yours?

She can't even speak she just starts to cry her eyes out. All she can do is nod her head yes. We all get up and we go to comfort her.

Tennessee- Hey everything is going to be okay.

Grayson- Did you tell Xavier yet?

Cherish- No I'm too scared to. He has always said that he wants to be married or at least engaged first. What if he leaves me?

Amethyst- Cherish listen to me right now. Xavier will never leave you he loves you. When you tell him he is going to be so damn happy he is going to be a daddy.

Cherish- I hope so. I didn't mean for this to happen so soon. I'm on the Depo-Provera shot I still have a month left before I have to get it again.

Amethyst- No matter what type of birth control you take it can fail. They are not 100% they all can fail at some point. So this is not your fault so don't blame yourself. If you want we can bring Xavier into the office and we will be right here with you when you tell him.

Cherish- Are you sure?

Amethyst- Yes I'm sure. Hell if you wanted to we could do something cute to tell him.

Tennessee- Why don't you 2 go to the store and pick out something and make a gift box for him.

Grayson- That's a great idea. We will keep him busy so he won't even know that you are gone.

Cherish- Okay that sounds like a good idea.

Amethyst- Okay then let's go. I need to pick out the onesies the prince and princess are going to wear when they come home.

Cherish and I head out to go to the mall while Gray and Ness keeps X busy. Hopefully, this will help Cherish not be so scared. This is a true blessing and that is exactly how X is going to see it. We are in the SUV and we are on our way to the mall.

Amethyst- Cherish I want you to get out of your head.

Cherish- I can't help it. I'm so scared he is going to think I did this to trap him.

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