~Chapter 16~

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~Amethyst' POV~

We are all just sitting here and talking while we wait for Gray and Blue to get here. It's been 2 months since I have seen Gray we broke up 2 years ago. We are still really close friends. Yes, I do still love Gray we were together for 4 years he never cheated or anything like that. We broke up cuz I was also in love with Tennessee. Tennessee has always been the one I wanted to be with and now I have him. Even though I'm with Tennessee it still feels like a part of me is missing. Gray does know that I have been in love with Tennessee since the first day I met him. Gray was the one that came to me and said I know that you love me but your heart isn't fully mine. I don't want you to miss your opportunity if it comes along to be with Tennessee. I will always love you and I want you to be happy as long as we can be friends I'll be fine. And that is what happened between Gray and me. Now I'll be seeing him for the first time in 2 months. While I was deep in my thoughts I didn't hear the guys come in.

Tennessee- Sweetness are you okay?

Amethyst- Yeah sorry I was deep in my thoughts.

Tennessee- It's okay Love.

Amethyst- Gray it's good to see you it's been a long 2 months since I've missed you. Blue same goes for you I'm glad you're both back.

Blue- Thanks it's good to be back.

Gray- Yes it's good to be back and I missed you too.

I got up from my chair and I hugged Blue first then I hugged Gray. I didn't think I would miss him this much but I did. I missed everything about Gray his laugh, his smile, his touch, and his scent. Shit, I hope my feelings for Gray don't start to show when I have Tennessee. I go and sit back down in my chair.

Amethyst- Guys please take a seat and I'll get you all up to date with everything that's going on.

They take a seat and wait for me to fill them in.

Amethyst- Okay well 1. we are now in business with the Grey Wolves. 2. Tennessee is the President of The Grey Wolves and he is also my King/Old Man/Boyfriend. 3. Fallon is trying to set Sapphire up to become the new vice president with the help of the prospect Cherish. 4. Nikko and Xavier are trying to make me theirs with the help of 2 club whores Candy and Britney. And finally, we are combining both clubs and we are looking for a bigger clubhouse to fit everyone from both clubs.

Blue- Holy fucking shit that's a lot of fucking shit that's going on.

Grayson- Yeah that is a lot of shit going on. I'm happy that you finally got the man of your dreams. Tennessee it's good to see you again man it's been a while.

Tennessee- Oh shit I didn't even recognize you man. Damn man, it's really good to see you.

Amethyst- Wait you 2 know each other?

Tennessee- Yeah we went to the same college together he ended up being my new roommate when he first got there.

Grayson- Yeah we had a blast in college.

Amethyst- Okay well the 2 of you can catch up later right now we need to come up with a plan to stop Fallon, Cherish, Nikko and Xavier.

Tennessee- Sorry my Queen you're right.

Blue- Okay well these club whores have they been around Xavier and Nikko long?

Amethyst- No they just met yesterday at the party we had.

Blue- Okay that's good so the club whores are probably only helping cuz they want you to Tennessee?

Tennessee- Yes they are kind of like Xavier and Nikko but they never made a move to do anything. All they have ever done was try to flirt with me but I would just walk away.

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