~Chapter 108~

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~Ace' POV~

It's time for us to head to the cabin so we can take down Summer. Everyone knows the plan when Summer enters the clubhouse. Cherish is staying with Kay until Summer is put in the cell room Xavier and Koda thought that it would be best to keep them safe. Am is now 35 weeks pregnant and everything is going fine. Reese is finally moved into his new clubhouse they are all happy that they are closer to the family again. I'm brought out of my thoughts when I feel Am wrap her arms around me.

Amethyst- Hey babe what's going on in that sexy head of yours?

Ace- Just thinking about everything that's going on. I'm happy that we are finally stopping Summer and I'm happy that Reese moved closer to you.

Amethyst- I know I'm happy as well. I just wish Summer would have never turned into this crazy psycho bitch. Before she became like this she was a good person and a really good friend.

Ace- I know she was babe but then Summer let the jealousy take over her.

Amethyst- I know she did. It just sucks that I lost a close friend I hope I don't lose any more.

Ace- You won't lose anyone else now let's get moving so we can head to the cabin.

Amethyst- Okay I'm all packed and ready. It's going to be weird not having the boys with us.

Ace- I know they go everywhere with us. Blue will take care of them though and he will make sure they are safe.

Amethyst- I know he will I'm not worried about them.

Ace- Alright I'll be right back I'm going to go get those 2 workaholics and let them know we are ready to head out.

Amethyst- Okay let those 2 know that their queen said no working while we are at the cabin.

Ace- Okay I'll let them know.

I give Am a kiss before I go get the guys. I know they are stressed out and they are extremely worried about Am. We could all use this time away and not worry about anything. I walk over to the clubhouse and I go right to the office.

Ace- Our queen is all packed and ready to go.

Grayson- Okay.

Ace- She also told me to let you both know that she said no working while we are there.

Tennessee- Okay we can do that for her.

Ace- I know you are both worried but you both can't keep drowning yourselves in work.

Grayson- You're right and we will try not to work so much.

Tennessee- Okay let's go get our queen so we can head out.

We all leave the office we let Sapphire and Memphis know that we are leaving. Am is going to text Drew as soon as we get to the cabin and then he will let us know when it's all over. Once we get back to our house we see Blue helping Am into the truck and all our bags are all loaded up.

Grayson- Thanks bro for getting everything loaded. Also thanks for helping Am into the truck.

Blue- No need to thank me and I'll always be here to help my sugar lips.

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