~Chapter 112~

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~Amethyst' POV~

I can't believe that my babies are finally here. After Reese, Rae, the children, Drew, and Lily left last night I was told to go back to sleep. My King's only woke me when the twins needed to be fed. When Lily was here we did talk about ending Summer and Lily wants to make her suffer as much as we can. Summer has seen what I can do but she has never seen Lily in action. Now I need to get ahold of KC and tell him that he might be a father again. My King's had called the MC doctor and he is here for when KC arrives. I grab my cell and I send KC a text.

~Texting conversation~

Amethyst- Hey KC it's Amethyst I'm texting you cuz I have some news for you. If you could text me back when you can I'll tell you what I just found out.

I don't even get a chance to set my cell back down before he texts back.

KC- Hey beautiful how's it going? Congrats on getting married and having the twins.

Amethyst- Thanks. Everything is going alright. So I'll just get right to it Summer is pregnant and at first, she said that Ace and Andreas could have been the father but then she was cheating on them with Drew. She paid the doctor to fuck with the results and we thought Drew was the father until now. Drew had the test redone and he is also not the father. Axel said that she was with you the last time she was on a ran and that was about the time she got pregnant. So you might be the father.

KC- Holy fucking shit. Okay well I know for sure I'm not the father cuz I never slept with her. When we came back to my clubhouse that night I saw her flirting with my V.P. Once I saw that I went up to my room and locked the door I don't fuck around with people that try and hook up with everything that walks. She did stay a few nights with him though so I'm pretty sure he is the father.

Amethyst- Holy fucking hades Summer is a fucking whore big time. Okay, could you and your V.P come to the cabin?

KC- Sure thing beautiful.

Amethyst- KC I need to know if for sure Kyle is the father will he take care of him?

KC- Yes Kyle will take care of his child. Wait did you say it was a boy?

Amethyst- Yes I did.

KC- Well then if he is the father he will be thrilled to have a son. I will fill Kyle in and then we will head to the cabin. We should be there in about 45 minutes.

Amethyst- Okay see you both soon.

KC- See you soon beautiful.

~End of the text conversation~

I put my cell down and I slowly get out of bed to go find everyone. I head towards the kitchen and I smell something delicious. When I get to the kitchen I see my King's cooking breakfast while Reese and Blue have the twins.

Amethyst- Good morning. Something smells delicious.

Grayson- Good morning sweetheart how are you feeling?

Ace- Good morning love.

Tennessee- Good morning sweetness.

Blue- Good morning sis.

Reese- Good morning cousin.

Amethyst- I'm feeling great. I'm still in a bit of pain but other than that I'm doing great. Where is everyone else?

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