~Chapter 72~

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~Tennessee and Grayson' POV~

So our women just left for the spa to have their girl's day. Grayson and I planned this for Am so she can just relax and try to get rid of some of the stress. She has been extremely stressed out lately with all the shit that has been happening. So since the women are having their girl's day men are having our guy's day. All of us head down to the game room and we grab a few drinks.

Hunter- So Koda how has it been being a dad?

Koda- Good but fuck I have blue balls bad.

Ryder- Why do you say that? Kay should be passed her 4-6 weeks waiting time right?

Koda- Yeah she is but every time she has tried Nessa wakes up and starts crying. She is a little fucking cock blocker.

Carter- Well welcome to the blue balls club bro haha.

Koda- Carter your ass wouldn't know shit about blue balls. I mean you have a different woman every fucking night.

Tennessee- Haha not in the last few months he hasn't.

Grayson- Yeah that's for sure. He has been trying to be a good boy haha.

Carter- Fuck you both. You both know damn well why I'm doing this fucking no-sex rule.

Ace- I think we all do. You're doing it for your sister she wants you to stop sticking your dick into every loose pussy you find. She wants you to settle down with the love of your life and start a family.

Carter- Yeah I know. And I will when I find my one when it's time to.

Grayson- We all know you will.

Zander- So Tenn and Gray I have a question for you both.

Grayson- Okay ask away.

Tennessee- Okay ask away.

Zander- So do you both fuck Am at the same time? Like you know with both of you inside her pussy at the same time?

Ryder- Yeah we all have been wondering that.

Tennessee- Yes we both fuck her pussy at the same time.

Grayson- It's the best feeling in the world. With both of us inside her at the same time, we all just feel so damn connected.

Tennessee- It's like we are just these 3 different people but then when we come together like that we are just one person.

Max- Damn that's deep.

Ace- Damn you 2 are the 2 luckiest bastards alive.

Xavier- Yeah they are. Especially once they are fucking the hottest woman here.

Blue- Haha holy fuck do we all think that Cutie is the hottest woman here in the clubhouse?

Memphis- I won't lie Genesis is hot but Am is way hotter.

Storm- I love Sapphire but yeah Am is the hottest woman here.

Phoenix- Fuck yeah she is.

Hunter- Fuck yeah Am is fucking hot.

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