~Chapter 73~

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~Jax' POV~

It's Saturday night and I'm getting ready to head to club Tenn to meet up with everyone. Summer had her date yesterday with Andreas and that gave Domenico the time he needed to talk to everyone. I have been having my men watch over everyone at the clubhouse. I have my top 10 guy's keeping a very close eye on Amethyst, Grayson, Tennessee, Ace, and Summer. I even have 2 of my guys follow Summer and Andreas just to be on the safe side. I will do anything in my power to help and keep Amethyst safe. Amethyst is like a little sister to me when we first met the big brother instincts kicked in right away. A lot of people thought that we were a couple once cuz we did everything together but that was never the case. Yes, I will admit she is a very sexy woman but I have never romantically looked at her. I have also been meeting with Damon and we have been trying to get all the help we can get just in case we do go to war. We both hope it doesn't come down to us going to war but we both will do anything and everything to help Amethyst. I finished getting ready and I hear my cell go off. I walk over to the table and I pick up my cell I see I got a text from Amethyst.

~Text Conversation~

Amethyst- Hey Jax just texting to see if you're ready.

Jax- I just finished getting ready I'll be heading to the club soon.

Amethyst- Okay we are also getting ready to head out. So I guess I'll see you there.

Jax- Okay I'll see you soon.

Amethyst- Oh yeah before I forget I have a surprise for you after we all talk.

Jax- My little stone what are you up to?

Amethyst- You will find out later on. But I promise you that you should like it.

Jax- Okay my little stone I'll see you soon.

Amethyst- Okay see you soon J.

~End of the text conversation~

I put my cell in my pocket I grab my wallet, key's and I head out. I get into my car and I head to the club. It only takes me about 20 minutes to get there since I don't live that far away. Once I get to the club I park my car, I get out, I lock my car and I walk up to the doors of the club. The bouncer lets me in right away once he knows me and he knows I'm here to meet with Amethyst. I walk in and I head straight to the VIP lounge. It looks like we are just waiting for Damon and Domenico to show up. Once I get up to the lounge I greet everyone.

Jax- Hello my little stone and hello everyone.

Amethyst- Hello J.

Tennessee- Hey man.

Grayson- Hey man how's it going?

Everyone else says hello.

Jax- It's going, man. I'm still living so I can't complain.

Tennessee- So I hear that you and Damon have been working hard over this last week.

Jax- My little stone you told them?

Amethyst- What you know I can't keep anything from them.

Jax- I know you can't little stone. Don't worry I'm not mad. And yes Damon and I have been busy this last week.

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