~Chapter 105~

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~Summer' POV~

I'm planning my revenge on Amethyst and Drew. Drew hasn't fucking touched me since before he found out that I was pregnant. I believe he is cheating on me with the club whores but they won't tell me shit. Now Amethyst on the other has the life that I always wanted. I wanted to be the Mafia Queen but then Andreas turned into a fucking bastard, so that didn't work out. Then I met Amethyst she helped me and took me in and that is how I met Drew. He always told me that he was never ready to be in a committed relationship. Then out of nowhere, he said he wanted to be with me but by then I was with Ace and Andreas. But that didn't stop me from still fucking around with Drew. Yes, I planned everything just right to get pregnant by him. I told Ace and Andreas the week I was ovulating that I was on my period. Drew is the one I wanted to be with so that is why I got pregnant by him, but now he hasn't even claimed me as his old lady. Yes, I also have been fucking a few of his men only cuz he won't fuck me. So now I plan to take Amethyst and Drew out for ruining my life. I have been working with one of Drew' members that also wants to take them down. He is also the main guy that I have been sleeping with. I'm on my way to his room now to put our plan into action once Drew is out of town on business. I get up to his room and I knock on the door. He yells from the other side of the door.

Corbin- Come in baby girl.

I open the door and walk right in.

Summer- Hey babe. I came to talk about putting our plan into action.

Corbin- Okay so how is this all going to go down?

Summer- Well we take Amethyst out first and then Drew. Now we will have to wait until after she has the babies. Only cuz right now her husband's won't let her out of their sight. We will just go in their guns blazing cuz everyone will be too focused on Amethyst and the twins. Now Drew that one is going to be much easier than Amethyst. We will just attack when we think it's the right moment but I want him dead before our son is born. He doesn't know for sure when I'm supposed to go into labor so that will help us out.

Corbin- Okay so what happens if this doesn't work out how do we have it all planned out?

Summer- It will work well it better work.

Corbin- Okay but do you even know where Amethyst is planning on having the babies?

Summer- Shit no I just thought it would be at her place or the clubhouse. Fuck okay, we need to find that part out first. If she does go to the hospital then we will just attack her there. We will dress up as a doctor and nurse then we will just inject her with something that will kill her.

Corbin- Okay but what about her 3 husbands that will be with her the whole time?

Summer- If we have to we will hire someone off the streets to do it. They would never suspect for us to do anything like that.

Corbin- I hope your right about all of this cuz if you ain't then we are going to end up dead.

Summer- Don't worry that sexy head of yours nothing will happen to us. I have been around Amethyst long enough to know her every move.

Corbin- Okay if you say so. I better get downstairs before the guys start to look for me. Will I see you later tonight?

Summer- Yes you will, Drew is still out of town.

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