~Chapter 91~

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~Tennessee and Grayson' POV~

So we're sitting here on each side of Amethyst. We just found out that twin A is mine and twin B is Gray'. So now we're waiting for the OB-GYN to tell us the genders.

Kelly- Okay so the twins are......

Grayson- Don't keep us waiting.

Amethyst- You better hurry up and tell them haha they have no patience.

Tennessee- Yes we do but we just don't want to have any right now haha.

Kelly- Okay so the twins are a boy and a girl.

Amethyst- Okay so which one is which?

Kelly- Twin A is a boy and twin B is a girl.

Tennessee- Fuck yes.

Grayson- Fuck yes.

Kelly- I take it that is what you wanted all along?

Amethyst- Yup Tennessee wanted his prince first and Grayson wanted his princess first. You just made them the happiest men alive.

Kelly- Well congratulations and we will see you about a month from now.

Amethyst- Okay thanks, Kelly.

Kelly cleans the gel off of Amethyst stomach and then we are free to leave. We walk out and Amethyst makes her next appointment.

Ace- Congratulations brothers you both got what you wished for.

Blue- Yeah you both got lucky there.

Grayson- Thanks, brothers.

Tennessee- Thanks, brothers. Now let's go get some lunch cuz I want to hear what you have decided Ace.

Amethyst- Yeah me too plus I'm starving I'm feeding 2 little humans now.

Tennessee- Love you're always hungry you love food. But having our babies growing inside you does make you even more hungry.

Amethyst- I know I feel like a whale.

Ace- You are not a whale sis you're very beautiful.

Blue- Sis you're not a whale you have 2 beautiful little humans growing inside you.

Tennessee- Love don't say that you are not a whale you are beautiful.

Grayson- Love you are not a whale you are pregnant and you are even more beautiful.

Amethyst- Aww thank you all for saying that. I love you all so much.

We all headed out to go get lunch. We take our SUV while Ace and Blue are in Blue' Truck. Before we left the hospital we told Blue and Ace that we would just follow them to the restaurant. It didn't take us that long to get to the restaurant. Once we got there we park next to Blue and Ace and then we all walked in together. The hostess greeted us and took us to our table she handed us the menu' and told us our waiter will be right with us.

Amethyst- A are you going to finally tell us to want is going on?

Ace- Yes I'll tell you all after we order.

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