~Chapter 100~

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~Drew' POV~

After we left Amethyst' baby shower we came home. I need to find out what's going on with Summer. She is starting to act just like Morgan Ace' ex. Ace and Amethyst told me about her and now I'm starting to see a change in Summer.

Drew- Summer we need to talk.

Summer- Okay.

We head up to my room. Once we get to my room she sits on the bed while I just stand by the dresser.

Drew- What in the fuck was that back at the baby shower?

Summer- I don't know what came over me. As soon as she announced that she was with Ace as well I just got pissed. I know I'm starting to act like Morgan but I can't stand Amethyst. She was supposed to be my best friend but then she kicked me out of the club. I know I made a mistake by cheating on Andreas and Ace. I can't even tell you why I did it cuz I honestly don't know.

Drew- Summer you need to try and make things right. Amethyst is a good person she took you in when you needed help. Amethyst is not playing around with you or your drama she will end you.

Summer- I know she will end me. I just can't get over the hatred I have for her right now.

Drew- Why do you have this hatred for her?

Summer- Cuz she thinks she is better than me. She has 2 amazing husband's now she even dating Ace. She has twins on the way she is a fucking Queen. I'm just an old lady I want what she has.

Drew- How in the fuck can you say that about her. She never thinks she is better than anyone yes she is a Queen cuz of her father. Yes, she is married to 2 great guys yes she is also dating Ace so what get over it. And as of right now you are just my baby mama I haven't claimed you yet as my old lady.

Summer- What the fuck drew you said that day at Am' that you will keep your old lady in her place.

Drew- Yeah well with you acting like this I don't want you as my old lady.

Summer- Fuck you Drew and fuck the Kings and Queen.

Drew- I will not stop her if she comes after you. Up until you can get over your hatred I want you to stay away from them.

Summer- We will see about that.

Drew- I don't have time to sit here and argue with you. I have work to do so I'll be in the office if you need me.

Summer- Yeah okay.

I head to my office to get some work done. Once I get to my office I sit behind my desk and start my work. As I'm working I start to get lost in my thoughts. I don't trust Summer I don't believe a word she said. I believe that she is going to try something. This is not the same Summer I met all of them years ago. When I first met Summer she was sweet and kind when Amethyst would come to our club I got to know Summer a bit better. After some time we started to hook up every time they came to the clubhouse or when I went to theirs. She ended up falling for me but I wasn't ready to settle down. Well, that's when Amethyst introduced her to Ace so we stopped hooking up. She was the one that got ahold of me when this shit happened with her mom. She ever told me she was seeing someone she came over and we talked. We ended up hooking up again she told me she still loved me and wanted to be with me. I told her that I still didn't want to settle down she said fine but we can still hook up. So that is what we did we hooked up every chance we got. I can't say I'm in love with her cuz I'm not I believe she only got pregnant so I would be with her. I was filled with rage when I found out she was pregnant and then she told me that it could be mine or Andreas. She finally told me that she was in a relationship with Ace and Andreas. I asked if Ace could be the father as well she said no. Ace only slept with her a couple of times when he was shit-faced drunk and he always wore a condom but never remember putting one on. So she made him believe that he could be the father as well. Well, they did a DNA test and found out they weren't the fathers so here we are she is now with me. I'm only with her for the sake of my child I know it's mine cuz I also had the doctors do a DNA test to make sure. I couldn't trust her word for shit the test came back that he is mine. I plan to take my son away from her as soon as he's born. I don't give a fuck about her she deserves everything that she gets. I do need to tell the Queen and Kings all this so they can be ready and so they know the truth. When all this is over I can finally be with the love of my life. Yes, she knows about my son and she agreed to raise him as hers. We dated in the past but then we lost contact for years we finally met back up. We are not together yet cuz of what is going on with Summer. The other reason we aren't together yet is cuz of her family we don't know if they would approve. We have been seeing each other and hooking up when we can. I'm broken out of my thoughts when my cell rings. I look at the caller ID and I get this huge smile on my face I grab my cell and I answer the call.

~Phone Conversation~

Drew- Hey moja miłość. (my love in polish)

Mystery woman- Hey przystojny. (Handsome in polish)

Drew- God I miss you so much I wish we could finally be together.

Mystery woman- I miss you too and I wish we could finally be together as well. I plan on talking to my family soon if that is okay with you?

Drew- Yes piękny (beautiful) it's okay with me. So how was your day?

Mystery woman- It was good. So how is it going with miss crazy?

Drew- God I can't wait until she finally has my son. She is driving fucking crazy if she wasn't carrying my son I would of put a bullet between her eyes already for all the shit she has done. I'm still so very sorry that she is the mother of my first son I wish it was you.

Mystery woman- I know babe but we will be a family soon. Once we are finally able to be together officially I want us to start working on giving him a brother or sister.

Drew- I can't wait moja miłość I want nothing more than to start our family together.

Mystery woman- So when can I see you again?

Drew- I'll meet you tomorrow at the cabin we can spend a few days together. How are you going to get away without having your family know?

Mystery woman- I will talk to them in the morning. I don't want to hide us anymore from them. I know we have to continue to sneak around until after baby boy is born.

Drew- Okay I will meet you tomorrow afternoon at the cabin. Please let me know how it goes when you tell your family about us. I know but we can't have Summer find out about us she is too damn crazy.

Mystery woman- Okay sounds good and I promise I will. What are you going to tell miss crazy?

Drew- I'm going to tell her I have business to take care of out of town. In a way I won't be lying cuz the cabin is out of town plus you live in the same town as my cabin.

Mystery woman- Okay does she know about the cabin?

Drew- No she doesn't. Baby don't worry she will never find out about us if that is what you are worried about.

Mystery woman- No I'm not worried at all. She should be the one that's worried if she finds out. Once she does and finds out exactly who I am she would be fucking stupid to try anything.

Drew- That's so true. Okay baby I will let you go and I'll see you tomorrow. I love you and goodnight.

Mystery woman- Okay babe see you tomorrow. I love you too and goodnight.

~End of the phone conversation~

I can't wait to see my love. She is the only woman that has my heart she is my true love. Hopefully, everything goes smoothly for her tomorrow when she tells her family about us. I only have about 6 more months until my son is born. Summer is due about a month or so after Amethyst that's how Amethyst knows when she is due. Speaking of Amethyst I should call her and the Kings tonight to fill them in on Summer. I grab my phone and I call Amethyst she answered right away. She puts it on speaker so the guys can hear everything I'm saying. I fill them in on what Summer has told me and that I believe she will be planning to come after them. Ace was happy to hear that he wore a condom a couple of times he did fuck Summer. They let me know that they already kind of figured that she would try and do something. I told them I'll keep them updated if she tells me anything or if I hear anything. We hang up and I head to my bedroom. Summer is already asleep thank god she won't be trying to get me to fuck her. I haven't touched her since I met back up with the love of my life. That was right before I found out Summer was pregnant. I'm also pretty sure she is fucking one of my guys. I get ready for bed and now I lay down I don't even cuddle with her anymore. I can't wait until tomorrow when I get to be with my love. I'm laying there thinking about my love when I feel Summer turning over. When she turns over she tried to cuddle with me but I removed her arm from me. I can't stand her touching me I'm still trying to figure out what I ever saw in her. After a while, I was able to fall asleep.

~End of Drew' POV~

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