~Chapter 107~

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~Amethyst' POV~

I'm now 33 weeks pregnant my OB-GYN told me that I could go into labor between now and 40 weeks. I'm hoping that I don't go into labor too soon. My wonderful husbands have been taking over all the businesses. We did find out who was stealing from us and we let her live, only cuz she just left her abusive husband and she took her 2 children. She did apologize and I let her keep her job but I warned her that if it happens again I will kill her. I also told her that if she needs anything to just come to me or the kings. I still have been helping Cherish and Sasha plan their weddings. I'm now also helping Genesis with her wedding as well. Speaking of helping people I did help Domenico with his proposal and Miracle said yes. Ryder and Hunter are planning a double proposal but that is going to happen after I have the twins. My King's finished the twins' nursery a couple of days ago and it's beautiful.

Ace- Hey beautiful how are you feeling today?

Amethyst- I'm feeling good. When did you get back?

Ace- I just got back Gray and Tenn will be home soon.

Amethyst- Where are they?

Ace- They are over at the clubhouse calling the other charters to make sure they all got their gun shipments.

Amethyst- Okay. Babe, could you please get me some pickles?

Ace- Sure love I'll be right back with your pickles.

Ace goes into the kitchen and grabs the jar of pickles out of the refrigerator. He comes back over to me and hands them to me.

Amethyst- So what are we all going to do today?

Ace- How about we take the boys for a small walk on the trail.

Amethyst- A walk sounds nice plus it will help me out for when I go into labor.

Ace- Okay then as soon as Tenn and Gray get back we will go for our walk.

Amethyst- Okay sounds good to me. So babe have you thought about what you would like to have when we have a baby?

Ace- Honestly it doesn't matter to me what we have as long as he or she is healthy.

Amethyst- Same. But what did you always picture yourself having when you thought about it?

Ace- I always pictured having a boy and a girl. But I know that anything could happen so I'll be happy with whatever I'm given.

Amethyst- In a way I'm hoping that we have twins a boy and a girl. I mean then this way all of our children will be a set of twins.

Ace- That would be amazing and they all would be close in age as well. So are you excited that we all get to meet the Prince and Princess soon?

Amethyst- I'm super excited I can't wait. You do know that you are going to have to stop calling me princess now lol.

Ace- That's fine by me cuz you are my Queen now.

Amethyst- Yes I am and you are one of my King's.

Ace- I love you, my Queen.

Amethyst- I love you too my King.

Ace and I are cuddled up on the couch. He is rubbing my belly while the twins are playing soccer with my bladder. Ace leans downs and talks to the twins.

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