~Chapter 21~

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~Grayson POV~

Amethyst and Tennessee head upstairs after chapel. I'm sitting in the chapel room with my brother Blue. I know he is still worried that I'm going to get hurt again. I know this time I won't get hurt I can tell Amethyst is all in heart and body.

Grayson- Okay Blue whatever you need to say just get it all out in the open.

Blue- Bro I'm truly happy for you. I just want you to still be careful I don't want to see you get hurt again. I love Amethyst like my big sister and I know she won't hurt you on purpose.

Grayson- Little brother you worry too much about me but that's one of the reasons why I love you. I will be careful but I know this time I won't get hurt she is all in I can see it in her eyes.

Blue- Okay then let's get you upstairs so you can get some clothes then you can go be with your woman.

Grayson- Thanks, bro. Oh, we need to talk about the club whores before we go up. We need to get this plan moving a little faster.

Blue- Fuck okay.

We walk out of the chapel and go into the living room. We see the club whores talking so we walk up to them.

Grayson- Hello ladies how are you both tonight?

Candy- We are good how are you?

Grayson- We are good.

Blue- So would the two of you like to have a drink with us and talk for a bit?

Britney- Yes we would love that.

Grayson- Okay let's go over to the bar.

Candy- Okay sounds good.

We walk over to the bar and we get a drink I take out my phone and send a group text to Amethyst Tennessee.

~Text conversation~

Grayson- Hey Blue and I are having a drink with the nasty Club whores.

Tennessee- Okay just be careful around Candy she is a sneaky bitch.

Amethyst- Baby we will come down and help keep an eye on you and Blue. Also, Tennessee and I can act like we don't care about your feelings.

Grayson- Okay Sweetheart and yeah that would work out cuz then I can say shit to them to get them to trust me more.

Tennessee- Okay man we will be down in a few. Oh by the way our wonderful girlfriend already got some of your clothes over to our room.

Grayson- Well thanks Sweetheart you know I was going to do that.

Amethyst- Yeah I know but see now this way you can just come to our room. Plus I have plans for us later.

Grayson- Fuck.

Tennessee- Fuck.

Amethyst- What's wrong my King's?

Tennessee- Are you trying to kill us?

Grayson- Yeah baby are you?

Amethyst- Nope.

Grayson- Okay I'll see you both soon. I love you, Sweetheart.

Amethyst- I love you too Gray.

Tennessee- See you soon man.

~End of the text conversation~

I put my phone back in my pocket. I pick up my drink and I take a sip of it. Amethyst and Tennessee are coming down the stairs. Okay, now it's time to get these club whores to trust me.

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