~Chapter 106~

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~ Corbin' POV~

I wake up the next morning and I look over and see that Summer is still sleeping. I hate the fact that she is trying to take out our Queen and my close friend. Drew came to me and asked me to help him out. He wanted to get proof that she has been sleeping around and to find out what her plan is. When he asked for my help I said yes right away only cuz I actually can't stand this bitch. Every time we fuck I have to think that she is someone else just to get and stay hard. So now every time Summer tells me what she wants to do I go and tell Drew. This was the first time she was open about her plan this must mean she is starting to fall for me. I just need to keep earning her trust for her to give me more info about her plan. I know that she plans to take Amethyst out right when she has the babies. She still hasn't told me when she wants to take out Drew and I need to find out. I start to feel Summer move around more. When I look down I see her staring at me time to start acting again.

Corbin- Good morning baby girl.

Summer- Good morning handsome.

Corbin- How did you sleep?

Summer- I slept great it was the best sleep I've had in a long time. How did you sleep?

Corbin- I slept great as well. So what would you like to do today?

Summer- I would like to just stay here watch some movies and relax.

Corbin- Okay we can do that. Let me just go make sure that Mason doesn't need me for anything.

Summer- Okay hurry back.

Corbin- I will.

I get up and shower real quick and then I get dressed so I can head downstairs. Once I get downstairs I go to find Mason to fill him in on what I have just learned about Summer' plan. When I find him he is standing outside on the porch I go to walk over to him.

Corbin- Hey man I got some info Drew will be happy to hear about.

Mason- Alright man I'm listening.

Corbin- Okay well she is going to find out where Amethyst is having the babies. If she plans to have them at her place or the clubhouse then Summer plans to go in there guns a blazing. Now if it's at the hospital then she wants us to dress up as a doctor and nurse then we would inject Amethyst with something that will kill her. Now with Drew, she wants to attack when the time is right but before she has their son.

Mason- Wow she is fucked up in the head. I'll let Drew know everything you just told me so he can give Amethyst a heads up. Thanks for helping us with all of this it means a lot to us man.

Corbin- Bro I'm more than happy to help I am the club's enforcer after all. I just wish I didn't have to sleep with the crazy bitch. For fuck sake I have to imagine that she is someone else just to get fucking hard and to stay hard.

Mason- Hell I also would have to imagine that she is someone else as well. I don't know how any of the other guys can sleep with her. She is nothing to look at.

Corbin- I know man. Plus she is so damn clingy she walked in on me fucking one of the club whores. When she saw me fucking the club whore she flipped the fuck out.

Mason- Damn man everyone was right about her she is a clingy psycho bitch.

Corbin- Right. Well, I better get back up there before she comes looking for me. She wants to spend the day just watching movies and relaxing. Oh, when is Drew going to be back?

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