~Chapter 10~

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~Sapphire' POV~

I'm sitting here with the rest of the group while Amethyst and Tennessee are in her office. Doing god knows what in there. All of a sudden I hear Amethyst yell for me to come to her office. I get up and let everyone know I'll be right back. I head to her office once I get there I knock on the door.

Amethyst- Come in.

Sapphire- You wanted to see me prez?

Amethyst- Yes please come in and take a seat.

I walk in and I see Max and Tennessee want in the fuck is going on. I take a seat in the other chair next to Max.

Amethyst- Okay so this morning Max heard Fallon and cherish talking about some plan. Then he saw them with this bed and they went into your room. After they came out they didn't have the bag so they planted it in your room to set you up. Max went in after them to look for it and to bring it to me but you caught him. So after my talk with him, I sent him back into your room to look for it. Well, he found it. We are sure that they try to set you up.

Max- Sapphire I just want to apologize for being in your room but I also know that Fallon and Cherish were up to no good.

Sapphire- Thank you Max don't worry I'm not mad at you.

Amethyst- Tennessee knows everything that's going on but Matt I need to fill you in before we see what's in this bag. So Sapphire and I found out someone stole $20,000 from one of the hotels. Now I'm pretty sure that it was Fallon and Cherish. Oh and Tennessee Fallon is a club member and Cherish is a prospect.

Sapphire- Okay well let's see what's in this bag.

Amethyst- Okay then.

Amethyst dumps the contents that are in the bag out. Oh, fucking shit it's money and it looks like it could be $20,000 that the hotel was missing. But why would they want to set me up unless Fallon is trying to take my spot?

Sapphire- What the fuck.

Max- Holy fucking shit.

Tennessee- Fuck beautiful you got one big problem on your hands.

Amethyst- Handsome you mean we have a big problem on our hands. Did you forget you are my King and I'm your Queen?

Tennessee- No beautiful I didn't forget. I just didn't know if you wanted to handle this like a King and Queen or by yourself. But now I know we will do things like a true King and Queen.

Amethyst- You got that right.

Sapphire- Wait did I miss something?

Max- Yeah I think you did.

Amethyst- Tennessee and I are officially a couple I'm his Queen and he is my King.

Sapphire- Fuck yeah this is the best news ever. So when are you telling the clubs?

Tennessee- After our date tonight.

Max- Fuck yeah time to party.

Amethyst- Okay so we will need Tennessee' whole club here and even the club whores and we need every Club member of ours here as well that means the men as well. So we will close the clubs and hotels for tonight.

Tennessee- Okay I'll get my whole club here.

Amethyst- Oh yeah this party will also be for a new member getting a patch. Max, are you ready to officially become a dragon?

Max- Fuck yeah I am.

Sapphire- Okay now I'm lost.

Amethyst- Okay so I made a deal with Max that if he could find the bag in your room. I would make him a club member well he found the bag so he will be patched in tonight. Max, I also want you to live in the house you will be the first male Club member to live here and I will also have you doing Club business.

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