~Chapter 118~

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~Ace' POV~

It's been a crazy few months since we ended Summer, and Blue and Sasha got married and have twins on the way, and Kay and Koda are having their 2nd child. Cherish and Xavier had their baby girl and they named her Serenity. Amethyst and I have been trying to have our children we have been fucking so much in the last few weeks. Amethyst hasn't been feeling good so I went and bought her a pregnancy test. We are all sitting on the bed waiting for the digital test to tell us if she is or not.

Amethyst- I'm hoping that it says pregnant. I have Kelly on stand-by to do a blood test as well if it comes back positive.

Ace- I'm hoping it comes back positive as well.

Tennessee- I think we all are hoping it does.

Grayson- Yeah we do. This will be one step closer to us completing our family.

Amethyst- Okay I think it's time you 3 look at it first.

I grab the test and flip it right side up. The 3 of us look at the test at the same time and we are just staring at it.

Amethyst- Well what does it say?

We don't answer her right away. I hand the test to Gray before I turn to look at Am.

Ace- Well Babe we are going to be parents again.

Amethyst- Really it says that I'm pregnant?

Grayson- You're pregnant and we are just one step closer to completing our family my love.

Amethyst- Omg I can't believe it.

Tennessee- Haha. Believe it love you're pregnant again.

Amethyst- We need to go see Kelly right away.

Ace- Okay babe let's go see Kelly.

We get the twins ready and then we head out. Gray and Tenn get the babies into the truck while I walk over to Blue and Sasha' house with Am. Yes, she wanted to go tell her brother that he was going to be an uncle again. Am rings the doorbell and we wait a few seconds before Sasha opens up.

Sasha- Hey you 2 please come in.

We walk into the house but we tell her that we are just here to tell Blue and her something. Sasha yells for Blue and lets him know that we need to tell them something. Blue comes over to us and just starts weirdly looking at Am.

Ace- Blue are you okay?

Blue- I'm okay why wouldn't I be?

Ace- You're looking at Am weird.

Blue- Haha it's not a bad thing. I just know why you are here.

Amethyst- Haha oh do you now.

Blue- Yes I do.

Sasha- Okay then smart-ass why are they here? Once you think you know before they even tell us.

Blue- I'm going to be an uncle again ain't I?

Amethyst- Yes you are we just took a home pregnancy test. We are now heading to see Kelly confirm it.

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