~Chapter 6~

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~Tennessee' POV~

When everyone leaves the chapel I just sit there looking at Amethyst. She's looking at me I wonder what she is thinking about. Okay, it's time to talk to her.

Tennessee- So it's been 5 years since we have last talked. You still look as beautiful as you did that night.

Amethyst- Thank you yes 5 years is too long to go without talking but I guess we both have been busy. You still look handsome as ever. I tried to pick up the phone a few times over the last 5 years just to talk to you but I always chickened out. I missed you Ness you were like my best friend.

Tennessee- I missed you too Sweetness. I have also tried to pick up the phone to call you but I was too scared to. There is also something I would like to tell you before we start talking about anything else.

Amethyst- Sure what is it?

Tennessee- Okay well I'll start at the beginning. The first time I met you I fell in love with you. I have always been in love with you. I just never dared to tell you I was going to tell you 5 years ago at our party but I fucking chickened out. Amethyst you are my other half my soulmate the love of my life. So I'm just wondering how you feel? And I was wondering if you would go out on a date with me?

After I told her how I feel she is just looking at me with wide eyes. I think she is in shock I just wait for her to speak. I start to get nervous it's been a while since I've told her and she is still just sitting here looking at me. I need her to say something.

Tennessee- Sweetness please say something.

Amethyst- Oh my fucking god Ness.

Tennessee- I fucked up didn't I.

Amethyst- No you haven't it's just that. From the first day, I met you I loved you it was love at first sight. I also wanted to tell you at our party but I got fucking scared and I got into my head. Thinking that a hot, fit, handsome, smart, badass biker like you would never want a woman like me I'm not skinny I'm not as pretty, and everything else that was going through my head.

Tennessee- Sweetness first off I like my women to be thick and have curves. That way I know that I can be a little rough in bed and I don't have to worry about am I going to break them. Second, you are the most beautiful, sexy, smart, kind, outgoing badass biker woman I have ever laid eyes on. So I'll ask you again would you like to go on a date with me?

Amethyst- Yes I would love to go on a date with you.

Tennessee- Good tomorrow at 8 pm I'll pick you up and wear something casual yet sexy.

Amethyst- Okay sounds good to me. Now let's talk business for a bit.

Tennessee- Okay so I was thinking once our MCs' are about an hour apart from each other we should put the hotel right in the middle.

Amethyst- That would be perfect. Okay so now we need to hire people we can trust but I was more or less thinking maybe not hiring club members for the hotel. We can hire club members for the club if you want to.

Tennessee- I was thinking the same thing. Okay, so we'll do everything together when it comes to the hotel as well as the club.

Amethyst- Sounds good to me it just means that if you have to be around me a lot more won't you get sick of me haha.

Tennessee- Fuck no I can never get sick of you. Are you sure you won't get sick of being around me?

Amethyst- Fuck no I won't Ness I feel like I can be myself when I'm with you. I mean I can be myself around my girls and my club as well. But with you, I can be myself.

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