~Chapter 11~

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~Tennessee' POV~

After Amethyst got yet another text from Max about two club players trying to take wants mine. I was pissed that everyone is trying to screw her and her club. Fuck I just want to kill them all for trying to hurt her.

Tennessee- So beautiful what is your plan with the club player?

Amethyst- Well I don't know. I know they will try everything in their power to make it theirs. But I'll kill them before that ever happens. So I was thinking when I patch in Max he can have a room on my floor so he can kind of keep an eye on me. I hope you are okay with that I mean it's just for now.

Tennessee- Beautiful it's okay with me as long as you are safe that's all that matters to me. You are my everything if anything happens to you I don't know what I would you. I know you can take care of yourself but with Max keeping an eye on you, it will make me feel a bit better knowing you are okay when I'm not with you.

Amethyst- I got lucky to have you as my King/Boyfriend/Old man. You are understanding and you have put my feelings first and for that I'm thankful.

Tennessee- No I think I'm the lucky one to have you as my beautiful Queen/Girlfriend/Old lady. I would do anything for you and to make sure you are happy.

Amethyst- Aww that's sweet of you Ness. But I think we should get back to looking for the perfect place for the hotel. Plus we both have to get ready for our date tonight.

Tennessee- Okay beautiful let's ride.

We get back on our bikes and take off to the next location. We have looked at 10 different spots so far and we both haven't liked them. We head to one more spot it's a big empty lot we get off our bikes and look around the empty lot. We both look at each other and then say at the same time.

Amethyst- It's fucking perfect.

Tennessee- It's fucking perfect.

Amethyst- Babe this place is the one I can see it all now. Big hotel a nice restaurant business would be banging.

Tennessee- I can see it too my Queen. So now let's go and pay for our new property. Hopefully, after we buy the property for the club the next property we buy will be our house.

Amethyst- My King I was just thinking the same thing. I know we just started dating but it doesn't feel that way. I know that I want to be with you and only you forever I love you.

Tennessee- I love you too my Queen.

We head to the realtor's office to buy the property for the hotel. After that, we head to grab some lunch. Today turned out to be a good day I got to spend time with my Queen all day. It's around 4 pm when we head back to her clubhouse. In 4 hours we will have our date I go back to her clubhouse to drop her off. Then I head back to mine to shower and change. After that, I will stop by a flower shop to get her a bouquet of Lily's. Then I'll head back to pick her up.

~End of Tennessee' POV~

~Amethyst' POV~

We found the perfect property for the hotel and restaurant. We headed to lunch after we made the purchase and lunch he dropped me off at my clubhouse.

Amethyst- Thank you for a wonderful day and for coming back with me to drop me off. I will see you in a few hours my King.

Tennessee- You're welcome beautiful. I had a great time today as well. I will see you in a few hours my beautiful Queen.

I'm standing in front of him while is he leaning against his bike. He grabs my waist and pulls me closer to him he lifts my chin so I'm looking up at him. He leans in and we share a sweet and passionate kiss it was mind-blowing. We brake the kiss and he gets on his bike we say our goodbyes for now. He takes off to go back to his clubhouse to get ready for tonight. I head inside the clubhouse I get into the living room when the 2 fucking assholes come up to me.

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