~Chapter 45~

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~Sky' POV~

The party went well we didn't have much drama. We all got shit faced then Ace and Summer told us that the bosses went upstairs and we had chapel at 9 am. They could have told us before we all got shit-faced fucking assholes. Ryder and I went to bed around 1 am. I'm laying in bed not wanting to get up. My alarm just went off and Ryder and I feel like shit.

Sky- Fuck my head hurts.

Ryder- I know mine does babe.

Sky- Why in the fuck are they making us get up this damn early? Can't we just have chapel at noon?

Ryder- They only did this probably cuz they knew we would get shit-faced.

Sky- I'm going to kill them I swear.

Ryder- Haha come on babe let's get up and let's take a hot shower. Then we can get some breakfast to help with this fucking hangover.

Sky- Sounds good babe let's go.

We got up and head to the bathroom and we take a shower. Once we are done we get dressed and head downstairs. We see River, Hunter, Sapphire, Storm, Ace, Summer, Koda, and Kay. Everyone else must still be sleeping or getting ready. Sapphire and Kay made breakfast for everyone as we head to the table to sit down Zander, Katie, Carter, and Max all come into the dining room.

Sky- Fuck is everyone hung over or is it just me and Ryder?

Kay- Nope everyone is except for me of course. Koda was being a big-ass baby this morning.

Koda- Hey now I'm standing right here you know.

Sky- She knows that's why she said it.

River- Haha fuck my head don't make me laugh.

Blue, Cherish, Xavier, Phoenix, Dallas, Memphis, and Genesis finally make it downstairs they all look just like we do. I bet they even feel like shit like the rest of us do.

Memphis- Can we kill the bosses for making us get up so damn early?

Summer- I'm never drinking that much again.

Katie- I feel like I'm dead.

Blue- I'm in zombie mode for the day.

Carter- Let's just hope that they don't make us do anything today.

Max- Fuck you know damn well as soon as they see us like this they will.

Xavier- I know to Cherish and I have to go keep an eye on those fucking bastards today.

Cherish- Fuck I forgot we had to do that.

Hunter- I need some coffee.

Sky- There is the first pot made Hunter I'll go get you a cup.

Hunter- Thanks Sky.

Sky- You're welcome.

I walk over to the coffee maker and get some coffee cups out of the cupboard I pour the coffee and I grabbed out a tray and put the cups on it. I figured everyone is going to need their coffee. I also grabbed some regular cups out and made some iced coffee and put them on the tray as well. I make a new pot of coffee just in case we need more it's a good thing we have three coffee pots in this house. I grabbed the tray and walk back over to everyone.

Sky- Okay here you all go. I got coffee and iced coffee.

Everyone grab what they wanted and they thanked me.

Genesis- This breakfast is helping me a little bit. Who made it?

Sapphire- Kay and I did.

River- This is good.

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