~Chapter 35~

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~Amethyst' POV~

It's finally Friday. I woke up in between my 2 wonderful men. I run my hands down their chest they don't even move they must still be in a deep sleep. My hands move down to their very hard cocks I start to stroke them. I have Tennessee' cock in my right hand and Gray' cock in my left. I move my hands up and down on them going a bit faster. They both start to move a little bit but they still don't open their eyes. I stop stroking them and I move my body down enough to where my head is right next to their cocks. I take Gray in my month I suck him for a while then I switch now I'm sucking Ness. I keep this up for a while switching between the 2 of them.

Grayson- Mmm Sweetheart this is one of the best wake-up calls I have ever had.

Tennessee- Mmm Sweetness fuck that feels good so damn good.

I'm sucking Gray and I feel Tennessee get up and moves right behind me. All of a sudden he starts eating my pussy.

Amethyst- Mmm fuck babe that feels good.

Tennessee continues to eat my pussy I can feel myself getting close. He must know that I'm close cuz he stops.

Amethyst- Why did you stop?

Tennessee- Cuz when you cum it's going to be on our cocks. Now the real question is can take us both at the same time in your sweet wet pussy?

Amethyst- Mm let's find out.

I'm on top of Gray while Tennessee is behind me. I slowly glide down on Gray' dick when he is fully in, I can feel Tennessee slowly pushing his dick also inside my pussy. I can feel my pussy being stretched by their dicks but it feels so fucking good.

Amethyst- Fuck this feels good.

Grayson- So do you like it when we are both inside your wet pussy?

Amethyst- Fuck yes.

Tennessee- Fuck babe you feel so good wrapped around both of us.

They thrust in and out they have the same rhythm. I end up matching their rhythm fuck now they pick up their pace.

Amethyst- Holy fucking shit fuck me harder my loves.

As soon as I said fuck me harder sure shit that's what they did. Fuck we had rough hard sex then we ended up making love. It was slow and passionate and holy shit I never thought I could cum that much. After we are done we head to take a shower well we ended up fucking in the shower as well. We can't get enough of each other plus it's nice that we can be as loud as we want. Nobody can hear us once we are in the guest house. After our fun in the shower, we all wash and get ready for today. Us girls are going with Kay to the spa and the guys are going to relax here and have a few drinks by the pool and do whatever else they plan to do. I look at the clock and it's 9 am holy shit we have been fucking for 3 hours well I should get up at 6 am more often. We are all ready for today I go and make us breakfast as we get done eating our breakfast my phone goes off. I grab my phone and it's Kay she has sent me a text.

~Text Conversation~

Kay- Hey girl are you up yet?

Amethyst- Hey I have been up since 6 am what's up?

Kay- Well Koda and I just finished breakfast so I was wondering if we could come by now. So I can see the new clubhouse.

Amethyst- Sure come on over we will be waiting for you.

Kay- Okay bae see you soon.

Amethyst- Okay hon.

~End of text Conversation~

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