~Chapter 110~

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~Amethyst' POV~

Now that Summer is locked up I can finally relax. When Drew called last night and said they have her I felt some weight leave my shoulders. He also told me that he is redoing the paternity test cuz Summer could have paid the doctor and nurses to fuck with the results. Drew also asked me to end Summer I'll be more than happy to but if the baby is not his I want Lily to end the bitch. Lily accepted that this baby is Drew' but you can still see the hurt in her eyes. She knows that it wasn't Drew' fault it's Summer'. We are still at the cabin and we have everyone coming here just in case I do go into labor. Kelly has been checking on me so far my water has not broken but Boston has moved down. So with that my water could break at any moment would I like for them to stay in there a bit longer yes but I also can't wait to meet them. I also can't wait until the twins are 6 months old so Ace and I can start trying. I'm hoping for twins with Ace as well just so then I would only have to get pregnant one more time haha. I love being pregnant but holy fuck I would like to be able to see my feet again. As I sit here deep in my thoughts I hear Gray calling my name.

Amethyst- Yeah babe?

Grayson- Love your cell is going off are you going to see who it is?

Amethyst- Shit yeah sorry I was just thinking about everything.

Grayson- It's okay love.

I grab my cell to see who it was. It was a text from Drew saying he will be calling me soon. I text him back saying okay and I'll be waiting for his call. After about 10 minutes my cell rings and I answer it.

~Phone Conversation~

Amethyst- Hello D how are you this morning?

Drew- Hello sunshine. I'm doing okay this morning the doctor has handed me the paternity test results.

Amethyst- Okay is Lily also with you?

Drew- Yes she is. Here I'll put you on speaker so it's easier in case you 2 want to talk.

Amethyst- Okay.

Drew- Okay now that you are on speaker and both of you are here with me I'll open the results.

Amethyst- Take your time you don't have to rush. Just remember that if he is yours you are going to love him no matter what.

Lily- Amethyst is right plus I'll still be right here by your side and I'll still be your old lady.

Drew- Okay I'm ready and thank you both for being with me.

Amethyst- You're welcome D.

Lily- You're welcome babe.

I can hear him open up the envelope and he takes out the piece of paper. He stays quiet for a while.

Amethyst- D what does it say?

Drew- It says that I'm not the father.

Lily- Omg babe.

Amethyst- Congratulations D you dodged a bullet. But now we need to find out who is the baby's father.

Drew- Thanks and yes we do.

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