~Chapter 15~

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~Storm' POV~

What a fucking morning. I had a great night that fire last night we did not have sex we just cuddled which was nice. I'm excited to see where this relationship goes to thank God we are combining the club's so now we get to spend more time together. Now we have a group Chapel in a few minutes I wonder what's going on? I guess the rest of us will find out in a few minutes I just hope it's nothing we can't usually handle.

Storm- Sapphire are you okay?

Sapphire- Yeah I'm just pissed at Fallon and Cherish.

Storm- Can I ask what happened?

Sapphire- Well okay so max saw them go into my room a few days ago and they planted something in there. So Max went in there after they did to try to find it but I caught him in my room he would only talk to Amethyst. So he told her and she sent him back into my room to find what they planted and he did. So Amethyst, Tennessee, Max, and I talked, and then Max heard Fallon and Cherish talking about their plan. Fallon wants to become the VP so they are trying to set me up. They stole money from one of our hotels and that's what they planted in my room to make it look like it was me. They knew I would either go to Amethyst or I would try to figure it out myself either way I would have been screwed. They know that the one thing Amethyst hates is someone she can't trust. So yeah that only that's only half of what's going on the other half you will also find out in the chapel. We should go to the chapel now it's almost time and if we are late Amethyst will shoot or stab us.

Storm- Damn that's fucked up of them to try and set you up like that. And yeah let's go I don't feel like getting shot or stabbed today.

We head towards the chapel and we go inside. We stopped dead in our tracks when we see Amethyst and Tennessee making out. It's getting pretty hot and heavy in here Sapphire looks at me and I look at her yep she's going to say something to them.

Sapphire- Haven't you got enough of each other last night and this morning? I mean please don't fuck in here where we talk about club business.

As soon as they hear Sapphire they break away from each other and look right at us.

Amethyst- First I'm the president of this club so I will fuck my king where ever I want to. And second, we did not get enough of each other cuz this morning was interrupted by everyone yelling in the damn hallway.

Storm- Damn with all your fighting and the other is fighting you just clock locked the king and queen.

Sapphire- Shut up how am I supposed to know they were trying to fuck each other's brains out this morning?

Tennessee- Sapphire you are the one that told her she needs to get laid.

Sapphire- Fuck.

Amethyst- Haha it's okay I'm only going to give you shit but it wasn't just you that cock blocked me this morning.

Damn Amethyst has a mouth on her haha. We take a seat and that's when everyone else comes into the room looking like shit.

~End of Storm' POV~

~Tennessee' POV~

Tennessee- Well well well boy's I see you all must of had a good time drinking last night.

Amethyst- Yeah girls you must have been with the guys all night cuz you all look like fucking shit.

Memphis- Fuck my head hurts. Bossman boss lady why are you both looking so happy today?

Phoenix- I bad boss man got some pussy finally.

Ryder- Yup I bet he did too.

Hunter- Fuck why did we all have to drink so damn much? Yeah, boss man is probably the only one that got his dick wet last night.

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