~Chapter 25~

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~Hunter' POV~

We get to club Tenn and when we walk in holy shit this place is nice as fuck. We all head to the VIP area and we sit down. The waitress comes up to us and asks what we are all having.

Katie- Hey boss it's nice to see you tonight. What can I get you and your friends?

Amethyst- It's nice to see you too Katie. The girls and I will all have our normal Malibu with pineapple juice, please. Guys tell Katie what you all want to drink.

Tennessee- I'll have Brandy on the rocks, please.

Memphis- Jack, and coke, please.

Storm- Whiskey on the rocks, please.

Phoenix- Cognac on the rocks, please.

Hunter- Hypnotic and Red Bull, please.

Ryder- Hypnotic and Red Bull for me as well, please.

Ace- Jameson on the rocks, please.

Zander- Jack Daniels on the rocks, please.

Koda- Jim Bean on the rocks, please.

Max- Captain Morgan on the rocks, please.

Carter- Jose Cuervo on rocks, please.

Grayson- Brandy and coke, please.

Blue- Brandy, and coke for me as well, please.

Katie- Okay I'll be right back with everyone's drinks.

We are just sitting here and talking when Katie comes back with our drinks. We are all having a good time talking, chilling, and dancing. Tonight it was just our group the club whores and players didn't come out with us. We all have gotten close these past few days.

Hunter- So Amethyst how long did it take you to get this club up and running?

Amethyst- It took 2 months. But I already knew how I wanted it. Everything in here is all-new this was a club before but I got it and gutted it out and put everything I wanted into it.

Hunter- Well you did a wonderful job on it. It's cool in here.

Amethyst- Thank you, Hunter.

Tennessee- Babe you did a fantastic job.

Hunter- Well now we know who is going to be doing the design and everything for our club.

Amethyst- Well I would like for everyone to have some input into the club we open.

Hunter- Haha okay but you still have to design it.

Amethyst- I can do that.

Hunter- Hey Amethyst is Katie single?

Amethyst- Yeah she is why? Who do you want to try and hook her up with haha?

Hunter- I think she and Zander would make a great couple.

Amethyst- Yeah they would. I'll go and talk to her.

Hunter- I'll go with you then we both can talk to Zander.

She let Tennessee know what she is doing. And that she will be right back he says okay. Then we walk over to the bar where Katie is.

Amethyst- Hey Katie could we talk to you real quick?

Katie- Sure boss.

Amethyst- Okay well we were wondering if you found anyone at our table attractive and you could see yourself being with?

Katie- Yeah there is one guy that I could see myself with.

Amethyst- Okay which one and I'll tell you if he is single.

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