~Chapter 95~

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~Amethyst' POV~

Okay well, it's almost time to meet with Drew. But first I need to tell my husbands that I'm starting to feel things for Ace. I don't know if it's the pregnancy hormones or what but I need to figure this all out.

Amethyst- My loves can I talk to you both real quick?

Grayson- Sure love.

Tennessee- Sure love.

We walk into the office and we sit down on the couch. I take both of their hands and I hold them in mine.

Amethyst- Okay so I need to tell you both something. I don't know if it's just the way I feel or if it's cuz of the pregnancy hormones. But we don't keep anything from each other so I will just come right out with it. I have been having feelings for Ace.

The both of them are just looking at me okay now I'm worried that they are going to leave me.

Amethyst- Please say something.

Grayson- Okay so you have feelings for Ace. We don't care we love you no matter what.

Tennessee- Am there also something you need to know. Ace has already talked to us and he has told us that he has been also having feelings for you. He has always liked you since the first day he met you. He won't do anything about his feelings cuz we are together and now we are married.

Amethyst- Okay well why didn't you tell me this sooner?

Grayson- We wanted to wait and see if you felt the same way. Love it will be all up to you on what you want to do from here. We both love you and that will never change so if you want to add Ace into our relationship then we are fine with it.

Amethyst- Okay I just need to think about all of this. I don't want to make the wrong choice.

Tennessee- Okay take all the time you need. We won't tell Ace anything until you have made your choice.

Amethyst- Okay thank you. I love you both so much.

Grayson- I love you too.

Tennessee- I love you too.

I share a passionate kiss with both of my husbands before we go to the chapel to meet with Drew. After our steamy make-out session, we get up and head toward the chapel. Everyone is in there already even Drew. We go to our seats and then we begin.

Amethyst- So Drew how is your old lady?

Drew- She is okay.

Tennessee- Have you noticed her acting any different lately?

Drew- No she hasn't been acting strange.

Grayson- Well we can never be too sure. I mean look at what happened with Morgan. She was with Damon and she still went crazy.

Drew- I understand that but I have my eyes on Summer all the time. She hasn't done anything to make me question her.

Amethyst- How can you have your eyes on at all times when you have shit to do?

Drew- I have people watching her very closely when I'm not around. Trust me Queen Prez I won't let Summer get out of control.

Tennessee- You better not. We want you to report back to us once a week. We need to know she is not going to plan some shit against us.

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