~Chapter 109~

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~Drew' POV~

When I got the fake text about Amethyst going into labor. I went and told Mason and Corbin then Corbin went and told Summer that he just overheard Mason and me talking. Soon after Corbin told her she came down and asked if it was okay for her to go out shopping. I told her yeah but to take Corbin with her as a guard she agrees. When they leave Mason and I wait about 5 minutes before we leave as well. I send Memphis and Sapphire a text to let them know Summer is most likely on her way. I also let them know that we are also on our way. Mason and I are in one of our SUVs heading to Amethyst' clubhouse.

Mason- So what is your plan after we lock up Summer?

Drew- I plan to make Lily my old lady.

Mason- I'm happy that you got the love of your life back.

Drew- I'm happy as well I just wished that I would have kept my word to her.

Mason- Hey Summer getting pregnant wasn't your fault she had it all planned out. She is the one that trapped you and Lily knows this. Lily loves you and she always has and she always will.

Drew- I know but I still feel like I failed her. I wanted her to be the only one that has my children, especially my firstborn.

Mason- Are you 100% sure that this is even your son? Before you get all pissed off all I'm saying is that she could have paid off the doctors to fake the results.

Drew- Fuck man I never thought about that. She was in the room with the doctor alone when they took her blood cuz I was in another room getting my blood taken. Shit, we need to find out if this is even my son now.

Mason- When we have her locked up we will have the club doctor do a blood test.

Drew- Okay that works. So when is your ass finally going to find the one to settle down with?

Mason- Honestly I have no fucking clue. Yes, I do want to settle down and start a family but I just don't know if I can.

Drew- What do you mean you don't know if you can?

Mason- It's just that this has been my life for a very long time. I don't want to settle down with a club whore I want someone that's not been around this life but knows about it.

Drew- So what your saying is that you want a woman that knows about our lifestyle and can expect it but is not involved in our lifestyle.

Mason- Yes that's exactly what I want.

Drew- Don't worry man you will find the right one.

Mason- I know I will. So are Lily and you planning to start your family?

Drew- We have talked about it. We want to start trying right away as soon as we end Summer.

Mason- That's awesome to hear. How are Reese and Amethyst taking all of this?

Drew- Well they are both happy that Lily is going to my old lady. They have both given me their blessings once I do plan on making Lily my wife as well. As for starting our family, Reese can't wait to become an uncle and Amethyst is happy as well.

Mason- Wow man I'm happy for you.

Drew- Thanks, man. So I need to ask how has Corbin been?

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