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       I've never really been good with memories. I guess thats understandable considering that my first memory is me not remembering anything. Pretty contradicting if you ask me. Things not making any sense. The story of my life.

       Speaking of my life, it begun that day when I woke up in a strange cave. I looked around me and it was pretty dark. Just barely enough visibility to see were I was going. Luckily the cave wasn't that large so I found the exit within a few minutes. When I stepped out to the opening I was blinded by the sun. When I could see again, I looked down to see that I was bare foot with some baggy black pants and a slightly torn grey shirt. After assessing my poor choice of fashion I looked outside. Turns out this cave was on the side of a mountain. What luck.

       I looked out to scan my surroundings, not to close to the edge of coarse, and I was about 120 ft. above the ground. This was a lot to take in. I sat down, once again not to close to the edge, to think. As I sat there memories slowly started to come back. But only the obvious stuff. For starters, the first thing I remembered was my name which was (Y/n) (L/n). Then I remembered that my birthday is (Y/b) and I was 7 years old. I sat there for a bit longer trying to remember something else, anything. But it was blank.

       I decided to leave the cave to maybe find someone who could help me. As I looked over the edge to look around, I saw many trees which almost completely covered my vision of the ground. Through those trees i saw a small stream. I could also see that if I were to fall from this height I would most definitely die. It sent a small shiver down my spine but I didn't want to stay up there forever.

       As I slowly climbed down, to my surprise I was really good at climbing. Well, climbing down at least. When I reached the bottom, I went over to the stream. I squatted down and started to drink the water.


       I nearly jumped out of my own skin. But I did manage to jump into the water though. Now soaked, confused, and slightly irritated, I went in the direction of the loud noise.

       As I got closer, I began to hear people talking. Then I saw two men standing back to back frantically searching all around them. Both of them were wearing grey long sleeve shirts with matching grey pants. They also had a white sort of half-vest over the grey, along with some white shin guards with some red stripes on it. The last noticeable thing they were wearing was a head band with a metal plate that had a symbol that kind of looked like clouds.

?: " Do you see them!?"

??: " No!"

?: " Sneaky bastards stole that document from right under our noses."

??: "Shhhh! I think I heard something."

       One of the men turn towards the bush I'm hiding behind and slowly starts walking in my direction. I would have reviled myself to them but I noticed that they were both holding a pointed blade or dagger with a circular hole at the end of the handle. I didn't know what it was, but I did know that it was a weapon. And they didn't look like they were in the mood to have a simple chat.

       Before the man got to the bush I heard the wind slightly whistle followed by the other man scream in pain before dropping to the ground. The other man went to rush over to his fallen friend but before he could reach him I heard the whistle again followed by him doing the same as his friend.

       After a few seconds, a man and a woman from the trees landed in front of the two bodies. They were wearing matching uniforms just like the two men but this time, they wore all red with no sleeve on the right and a long sleeve on the left. Covering the red was a plain brown vest. Also like the other two, they wore a metal plated headband as well, but the symbol they had the on theirs looked more like stones instead of clouds.

Man: "What do we do about the bodies?"

Woman: "Just leave em. We have to return to the village and give this document to lord Tsuchikage."

Man: "Right."

       And with that they were off. I waited a bit longer just to be sure that they were gone. After awhile I tried to stand up. When I did I had just then realized that I was shaking. I was scared. No. I was terrified.

       After collecting my thoughts and emotions together, I slowly walked towards the two bodies. When I reached them I looked down at their motionless bodies. I slightly nudged one of them. Thats when it clicked. I stubbled back and started shaking again. I felt sick. I quickly turned around, dropped to my knees and threw up.

       After about a 2 minutes of puking, shaking and hyperventilating, I stood up and walked back over to the the bodies. I took a small satchel that one of them were wearing on their side. Inside was 3 more of the pointed daggers and some blades in the shape of stars. After I had finished looting the bodies I continued on.

       As the following days came to pass, I witnessed more of what I saw that day. More people fighting which I've come to understand are called shinobi. More death. Not something you think a 7 year old boy should be forced to witness. Days turned to weeks. Weeks turned to months. What I've come learn is that all this fighting is meaningless. It doesn't get anyone anywhere. But who's gonna listen to 7 year old kid.

       Fine. I'll look out for me then. These shinobi don't care who they effect or hurt while in the middle of all their meaningless fighting then why should I care who I effect while simply just trying to survive. I don't care if I have do it it alone either. Survive. Thats it. Survive.

A/n - Well, thus begins our journey. I know that this is a (xreader) fan fic, but I put a specific birthday because I thought of a fun chapter idea for later on. If you want to just imagine it as your own thats fine too. It wont really impact the story all that much, nor will the chapter. Well, thats it. Till next time!

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